Central hio GIS users group C GIS Also know as THOTHOOGIS – The Heart of the Heart of Ohio GIS
Who are we? Over 100 GIS professionals from the public and private sector When do we meet? Since 2009, we meet roughly quarterly Average attendance is about 30 and growing Why do we meet? expand network of local GIS friends provide an informal forum for exchanging ideas, information and data
Subgroup Topics Developers/Web Applications Investigating mobile apps and platform for sharing web application ideas Data Inventory Research and implementation of Geoportal LBRS Coordination of Franklin Co LBRS maintenance project Educational/Professional Development Seekers of training, certifications and various educational opportunities Franklin Co Agencies User Group Purchase of ESRI ELA Public Safety Potential subgroup
Questions for the other user groups How do you share information between meetings? Would you be interested in using Geoportal as a state-wide GIS search tool?
In Central Ohio and want to be added to our mailing list? Contact: Cheri Mansperger Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission C GIS