Adapting the writeshop process Paul Mundy Independent specialist in development communication
Writeshops Combines benefits of conference, reporting and team writing
The standard model Identify audience and objectives Identify type of materials needed Identify theme of book, break it into separate “topics” Prepare guidelines for authors, invite authors to write drafts Editor revises manuscripts and checks final queries Final draft laid out, proofread, printed and distributed Introduce writeshop procedure Each author presents draft Audience comments Author and editor take notes Editor and author revise manuscript Artist draws illustrations Author presents draft 2 Small groups develop ideas Before writeshop During writeshop After writeshop
Features of a standard writeshop Long lead-time for planning and logistics 20–50 participants from different organizations Participants stay throughout writeshop Staff: coordinator, facilitators, editors, artists, photocopying, logistics 5–10 days In hotel or conference centre Relatively expensive
Three processes in writeshop Presentations and comments Editing and rewriting Small groups Information exchange Information transformation Information generation
Presentations and comments Like academic peer review Validate info, expand on it based on own knowledge Horizontal communication or information exchange Authors Presenter Facilitator
Editor Artist Presenter Editing and rewriting Critical, detailed look at draft Convert into form suitable for audience Simplification (or elaboration) Information transformation
Authors Presenter Editor Artist Presenter 1 2 Presentations and comments Editing and rewriting Two rounds of presentations and editing Facilitator
Small groups Brainstorm new information based on presentations and experience Often used in analysis or recommendations section Information generation
Authors Facilitator Presenter Editor Artist Presenter 1 2 Presentations and comments Small groups Editing and rewriting 3 processes
Adaptations to the standard model Sub-plenaries Small groups Resource persons Participants as facilitators One presentation No presentations, no comments: writing writeshop Multiple languages No electricity? Piggyback on another event One organization Fewer people, shorter time More spontaneous More than one information product Scoping study before the writeshop Heavy-duty analysis after the writeshop Combine it with training: training writeshop No authors present Using the cloud
Sub-plenaries Divide participants into two or more sub- plenaries for presentations and comments Quicker, more focused comments Maintains participants’ interest
1 2 Resource persons Resource person helps author and editor revise text
Participant as facilitator Possible in later stages May be needed in sub-plenaries and small groups
1 2 One presentation Reduces time needed Requires more work after writeshop
No presentation, just comments People can read faster than they listen Saves time Useful for second draft
1 2 No presentations, no comments Writing clinics Presentations and participants’ comments may have little value – eg for non-overlapping subject areas
No initial manuscripts Devote first part of writeshop to authors writing individually or in small groups Writing writeshop Useful where sections are short and have parallel content & structure
1 2 Multiple languages Simultaneous interpretation Consecutive interpretation Whisper interpretation Software translation (Google Translate) A c ش ж ?
No electricity Use notepads and flipcharts 1
Piggyback on another event Conference Writeshop
One organization Can hold meetings in organization’s own office Can spread out over long time
1 2 Fewer people, shorter time, less planning
1 2 More than one product
1 2 Scoping study before writeshop
1 2 Heavy-duty analysis after writeshop
Combine it with training Lead authors through the writing and editing process Combine training sessions with work on their drafts Get them to critique each others’ work
No authors present Review writeshop Obtain drafts before writeshop Ask experts in writeshop to review the drafts
Use the cloud
Types of products Information kits Source books How-to manuals Extension materials Case-based texts Policy briefs Training curricula and materials Conference papers, scientific articles Project design documents Project evaluation documents Video and audio scripts Textbooks Websites