Unit One Seminar Intro to Management AB140 Instructor: Jill Burgett ***Be sure your volume is up and your mute is off so you can hear me. ***Be sure your volume is up and your mute is off so you can hear me. ***Tech support number:
Instructor Contact Information How can you get in touch with me? Instructor Contact Information How can you get in touch with me? Virtual Office: Under Course Home Virtual Office: Under Course Home AIM live Tuesdays at 1pm EST: jillburgett AIM live Tuesdays at 1pm EST: jillburgett Live Seminars Live Seminars Cell Phone for Emergencies: Cell Phone for Emergencies:
AB140 Course Objectives During this term, we will: 1. Describe solutions to management problems 2. Recognize the four functions of management 3. Explain a process to manage technology decisions 4. Summarize the importance of social responsibility, and diversity in a business environment 5. Identify the ethical issues within business
Did You Know? In 2008, there were 29.6 million businesses operating in the United States! In 2008, there were 29.6 million businesses operating in the United States! Small businesses (those listed by the government with 500 or fewer employees) accounted for 99.9% of all businesses. Small businesses (those listed by the government with 500 or fewer employees) accounted for 99.9% of all businesses. Large businesses numbered 18,000 in Large businesses numbered 18,000 in Statistics show that about 50% of new businesses survive after 5 years. Statistics show that about 50% of new businesses survive after 5 years. Good Management Practices Can Greatly Improve These Odds! That is why we are here!
General Class Information Classes are 10 weeks in length. Classes are 10 weeks in length. Each week is comprised of one unit. Each week is comprised of one unit. –Week 1 = Unit 1 –Week 2 = Unit 2 etc… Units begin every Wednesday and end on the following Tuesday. Units begin every Wednesday and end on the following Tuesday. –Today is day one of unit one. To-Do Lists located throughout the course To-Do Lists located throughout the course
Need Technical Help and Support? For “how to” or “something doesn’t work” questions, call the help desk: For “how to” or “something doesn’t work” questions, call the help desk: For Kaplan online library support: For Kaplan online library support:
The Course Syllabus: Your Roadmap to The Course! Read it, Print it and Understand it! You will find our Syllabus in the Syllabus Area of our Course room, and in the Doc Sharing area of our course. I have also sent everyone an advance copy by . Print it out in Doc Sharing Review the course requirements and expectations.
Syllabus Course policies Course policies Late work policy Late work policy Discussion requirements (grading rubric) Discussion requirements (grading rubric) Post a minimum of three times per week (100+ words) First post by Saturday and the other two on different days First post is the response to all discussion questions Second and third posts are replies to your classmates Each unit will include the following: Each unit will include the following: –Textbook Reading, Seminar (graded), Discussion (graded), ***Review/Quiz (graded) and Assignment (graded)
Kaplan Late Work Policies: Extenuating Circumstances: If you have extenuating circumstances that prevent you from completing projects, quizzes, seminars or participating in the class, please contact your instructor to make alternative arrangements. The possibility of alternative arrangements is at the discretion of your instructor. Active communication is the key to overcoming any hurdles you may encounter during the term. It is your responsibility to inform your instructor (ahead of time, whenever possible) of extenuating circumstances that might prevent you from completing work by the assigned deadline. In those situations, we will work together to come up with a mutually acceptable alternative. Prior notification does not automatically result in a waiver of the late penalties. Please note that evaluation of extenuating circumstances is at the discretion of your instructor and documentation may be required for verification of the extenuating circumstance. Examples of extenuating circumstances may include but are not limited to: personal/family member hospitalization, death in the family, weather/environmental evacuation due to fire/hurricane, or active military assignment where internet connectivity is unavailable for a limited time period. Computer-related issues and internet connectivity issues are not considered extenuating circumstances. Without Extenuating Circumstances: · Up to one week (1-7 calendar days) late 20% deduction in points. · After one week (8-14 calendar days) late 30% deduction in points. · No work will be accepted more than two (2) weeks after the due date. · Late work must be submitted prior to the last day of the course. · Final projects will not be accepted after the due date established in the course. Note: In order for you to make up a quiz, exam or discussion thread, you must contact your instructor by at least one day prior to the day you want to make up the work so that access can be provided. Additionally, you must notify your instructor by when you have submitted late work.
First Weekly Activity: Seminar Please join me every week for the mandatory live seminar. (Please note the time zone is Eastern Standard so you may need to adjust.) Please join me every week for the mandatory live seminar. (Please note the time zone is Eastern Standard so you may need to adjust.) –We will cover topics concerning the current unit, discussion and questions –Ground rules: We have a lot of ground to cover so let’s stay focused on the material and try not to get off topic.
Class Seminars! Fun and helpful Opportunity to ask questions Opportunity to interact with classmates Helpful hints for assignments You can review the recording if you are unable to attend Seminar Participation is graded so you are strongly encouraged to attend! Alternative Assignment consists of a 2-3 page writing assignment, which you can find under the Unit heading, then click Seminar After the seminar begins, please limit discussion to the seminar topics. If you enter after the seminar has begun or leave before it is over please enter and exit so as not to interrupt the seminar in progress.
Seminar Rubric PointsSeminar Criteria 15 points -Student posted frequently and was actively engaged in the seminar. -Alternative Assignment was completed according to the guidelines points -Student posted infrequently and/or comments were brief and did not demonstrate an understanding of the material (for example: "Good point" or “I agree”). -Alterative Assignment was not completed according to the guidelines. 0 points -Student attended, but failed to post any messages or did not log into the Seminar session. -Alternative Assignment was not completed.
Your Second Weekly Activity: Reading! This course uses a text with all chapters in Doc Sharing Your Reading this week: Chapter 1 in Doc Sharing Always make your reading the first activity of the unit! When reading in the course room, remember to move your computer mouse to the right side of the text to expose the transparent navigation bar. Left clicking on this will advance to the next page. At the last page, moving the mouse to the left side of the text will again reveal the transparent navigation bar. Left clicking on this will advance to the preceding page.
Your Third Weekly Activity: Class Discussion! It Allows Us To: Learn from the many different perspectives represented Add experiential knowledge to our course material Ask questions Get help from instructor and classmates Exchange ideas Get feedback And they are fun!
How To Do Well In Class Discussion: Post early: Your Initial Post must be made no later than Saturday, midnight EST. Posts must be made on at least 3 different days for an on-going discussion! Respond to at least two classmates, including the instructor! Be sure all posts are least 100 words in length Apply the concepts from your readings in your responses Interpret your own knowledge in terms of the course – personal experience is great, but apply your reading to it Check out the key terms at the end of each unit – try to incorporate them Use web based research where appropriate to make a point. If you use referenced material, this must be correctly cited. Be thoughtful, thorough, and substantive. The posts should address the Discussion questions or topics. Spell Check your posts ! Proper grammar and punctuation are required. ***Pay attention to the rubric in your syllabus ***In units one and seven, there are two discussions.
Class Discussion Rubric The following factors make up your Class Discussion Grade: The following factors make up your Class Discussion Grade: (a) Content: (40%): All assigned discussion questions were answered completely (a) Content: (40%): All assigned discussion questions were answered completely Posts were on topic and unique in content Posts were on topic and unique in content All posts demonstrated analysis of the topic All posts demonstrated analysis of the topic (b) Participation: (30%): Initial post no later than Saturday, midnight EST (b) Participation: (30%): Initial post no later than Saturday, midnight EST Posts made to each discussion question on at least 3 different days Posts made to each discussion question on at least 3 different days The original post to be no less than 100 words The original post to be no less than 100 words (c) Clarity & Organization (20%): Posts were organized and logical (c) Clarity & Organization (20%): Posts were organized and logical No spelling or grammatical errors No spelling or grammatical errors References were used and cited properly (If appropriate) References were used and cited properly (If appropriate) (d) Professional & Netiquette (10%): Respect and consideration toward peers/instructors (d) Professional & Netiquette (10%): Respect and consideration toward peers/instructors Appropriate language Appropriate language Professional use of abbreviations and acronyms Professional use of abbreviations and acronyms
Your Fourth Weekly Activity: Homework Assignments! Exercises may consist of answering questions in a text chapter, writing a paper, or completing some other assignment. Exercises are usually performed offline. Proof, proof, proof – grammar and spelling matter. Apply the concepts and language of the course Answer all the questions in terms of the key concepts of that unit Additional research may be used. Assignments are due by Tuesday Midnight EST. Is everyone clear on how to use the Dropbox? If something is confusing, please check with your professor.
How To Do Well In Homework Assignments Be sure your response adequately answers the assignment question (s). Be sure your Homework Assignment is well-written without spelling errors and using complete sentences. Be sure your assignment is submitted to the correct Dropbox as an attachment in MS Word (.doc) format. Be sure your file is named using the correct Kaplan file naming convention. (This is your unit one assignment!). YourName_ Assignment_Unit# Example: JohnSmith_Homework_Unit1
Assignment Rubric The Project Grading Rubric in your syllabus will be used to grade Homework Assignments. To Summarize: Content, Focus, and use of the test and research = 50% Content, Focus, and use of the test and research = 50% Analysis and critical thinking = 30% Analysis and critical thinking = 30% Writing style and grammar = 20% Writing style and grammar = 20%
Your Fifth Required Weekly Activity: Reviews! 10 question multiple choice quizzes relating to textbook reading and course objectives Reviews are not timed and can take again Think the question through Retake the quizzes as necessary Press the “Submit for Grade” button when you are finished and ready for me to grade your Review If you have any technical problems, call the Help Desk immediately
Weekly Feedback Each Week I will read every Class Discussion Post and every Homework Assignment you submit and I will submit feedback on your work along with the grade points earned. It is critical to read my feedback on your work by going to the gradebook to view my comments. Each Week I will read every Class Discussion Post and every Homework Assignment you submit and I will submit feedback on your work along with the grade points earned. It is critical to read my feedback on your work by going to the gradebook to view my comments.
Preview of Unit Two Coursework Reading Assignment: Chapter 2 in doc sharing Reading Assignment: Chapter 2 in doc sharing Discussion Discussion –Be sure to post three times (min 100 words) on three separate days (from Wed-Tues) to receive full credit. –Your first post should answer the discussion question and your second two posts should be responses to classmates. Assignment Assignment –Watch Evolution of Management video and complete short writing assignment (min of 1 page and watch grammar) –Go to Academic Resources to review the Writing Tutorial and visit the Writing Center for assistance on grammar. Review Review –Ten multiple choice questions to be completed by next Tuesday ***All Unit Two work is due by following Tuesday at 11:59 PM EST ***Check gradebook comments and Kaplan account
Questions Please feel free to ask questions about the course expectations before we move onto the unit one material and discussion. Please feel free to ask questions about the course expectations before we move onto the unit one material and discussion. –Chapter 1
Management Management is the process of working with people and resources to accomplish organizational goals Management is the process of working with people and resources to accomplish organizational goals Effective – to achieve organizational goals Effective – to achieve organizational goals Efficient – to achieve goals with minimal waste of resources Efficient – to achieve goals with minimal waste of resources Thought for discussion: Have you worked with a manager that has one of the qualities down or perhaps doesn’t have either? Thought for discussion: Have you worked with a manager that has one of the qualities down or perhaps doesn’t have either?
Functions of Management Planning: Specifying the goals to be achieved and deciding in advance the appropriate actions needed to achieve those goals. Planning: Specifying the goals to be achieved and deciding in advance the appropriate actions needed to achieve those goals. Organizing: Assembling and coordinating the human, financial, physical, informational, and other resources needed to achieve goals. Organizing: Assembling and coordinating the human, financial, physical, informational, and other resources needed to achieve goals. Leading: Stimulating people to be high performers Leading: Stimulating people to be high performers Controlling: Monitoring performance and implements necessary changes. Controlling: Monitoring performance and implements necessary changes.
General Comments Collaboration across organizational boundaries is a key element that makes current business environment different from the past. Collaboration across organizational boundaries is a key element that makes current business environment different from the past. Knowledge management is the set of practices aimed at discovering and harnessing an organization’s intellectual resources. Knowledge management is the set of practices aimed at discovering and harnessing an organization’s intellectual resources. Innovation is the introduction of new goods and services. Innovation is the introduction of new goods and services. Quality is the excellence of your product Quality is the excellence of your product Speed, rapid execution, response and delivery of results often separate winners from the losers. Speed, rapid execution, response and delivery of results often separate winners from the losers.
Management Hierarchy Top Level Top Level Middle level Middle level Frontline Frontline
Top Managers Senior executives Senior executives Responsible for overall management Responsible for overall management Concerned with organization’s interactions with the external environment Concerned with organization’s interactions with the external environment Strategic managers (set overall direction by formulating strategy and controlling resources) Strategic managers (set overall direction by formulating strategy and controlling resources) –focus on long-term issues –Emphasize the survival, growth, and overall effectiveness of the organization
Middle Managers Located below top-level managers and above front-line managers Located below top-level managers and above front-line managers Tactical managers Tactical managers –Responsible for translating the general goals and plans developed by strategic managers into specific objectives and activities
Frontline Managers Lower level managers Lower level managers Operational managers Operational managers –Supervise the operations of the organization Directly involved with non-management employees Directly involved with non-management employees Implementing the specific plans developed by middle managers Implementing the specific plans developed by middle managers
Some Examples Can you give me some examples of the different levels of management? Can you give me some examples of the different levels of management? Perhaps in the retail industry If you are currently working as a manager, where do you fit along the hierarchy? If you are currently working as a manager, where do you fit along the hierarchy?
Unit Two Preview We will cover the foundations of management We will cover the foundations of management Examine environmental forces that shape the business organization. Examine environmental forces that shape the business organization. Learn how businesses are open systems Learn how businesses are open systems
Thank you Please note the next seminar will be in one week, same time! Please note the next seminar will be in one week, same time! Let me know if you have any other questions. Let me know if you have any other questions.