Corridor Management Plan
Nine Mile Road – Northern Project Limit Pensacola Blvd. (US 29) – Southern Project Limit 4.8 Miles Long 8 Signalized Intersections Urban Collector 2 Lane Undivided Section
Public Involvement Data Collection Capacity Analysis Crash Analysis Access Management Assessment Proposed Improvements Submittal of Draft Plan
Bridge Over I-10 Few Transit Amenities Lack of Pedestrian/Bicycle Features Access Management Concerns
Combination Bicycle/Pedestrian Lane Combination Buffered Bicycle/Pedestrian Lane Bike Lane with Separated Sidewalk Median with Turn Lanes, Sidewalk and Bike Lanes Median with Turn Lanes, Sidewalk and Sharrows
Proposed Typical Section Concept
Proposed Typical Section Rendering
Potential Roundabouts at 2 Locations (Ensley Street and Stumpfield Road/Majors Road/Industrial Boulevard) Road Diet –Intersection of Airport Road Development of a Corridor Framework Analysis Plan Transit Stop Enhancements/Modifications Proposed Modification of I-10 Overpass as part of the I-10/US 29 Interchange Improvements
Philip Shad – Atkins Brian Youpatoff – TPO