Marking and Feedback CPD Follow up to marking
Expectations and ground rules Respect the views of others Give everyone space to make a contribution All questions are valid Actively listen Take part Confidentiality – Chatham House Rules Challenge the idea and not the person Do you have any of your own you would like to add?
Aims and outcomes of the session To explore how students approach the marking and feedback they receive in your classrooms. To highlight some key strategies to use. To plan how to apply the ideas to your classroom setting.
Where are we: Our school What do we do well with in terms of our marking and feedback? What have we already done to improve our marking and feedback? What do we still need to improve? What do we want to improve upon next?
Where are we: You What do you feel confidence about in terms of your marking and feedback? What have you already done to improve your marking and feedback? What do you still need to improve? What do you want to improve upon next?
Stage 4 Follow up to marking Once students have been given time and space to read, reflect and take in your marking and feedback it is important to give them time to take steps in line with your advice and guidance. It is advisable to do this as soon as possible, preferably in the same lesson that they receive the marking and feedback. Providing them with as activity that makes them think about what you have fed back to them and try to implement any advice is the best way to get hem to progress in their learning and ensure that they are able to take on board all the comments they receive. Getting a routine in place whereby student know what to expect when they get feedback on their work and can practice getting better at responding to and acting upon it will mean you don't have to do all the work; they will be able to lead themselves through the process after a while.
Theory Do It Again - Doing it again and doing it right, better or perfect. Precise Praise - ensure that praise is precise and used when it is deserved. - Doug Lemov Think: Think about the statement for 30 seconds. Pair:Pair up with someone in your group and discuss your thoughts. Share: Be ready to share your ideas.
Theory Berger sets out five pedagogical principles that be believes help create a culture of excellence; assigning work that matters; study examples of excellence; build a culture of kind, specific and helpful critique; Require multiple revisions and redrafts; Provide opportunities for public presentation. – Ron Burger Think: Think about the statement for 30 seconds. Pair:Pair up with someone in your group and discuss your thoughts. Share: Be ready to share your ideas.
Show and tell Rework it: (Do It Again) Give students regular opportunities to respond to your feedback, practice skills they need and gather essential knowledge necessary - Then make them do it again. The same, or a similar task, reworked can really have impact and make sure that
The students? This is all about making sure the experience for our students, in our classrooms, is the best experience we are able to give them. So why are we trying to improve our follow up to marking and feedback? To help our students see the benefit of mastery learning and hard work.
Experiential Image game One of you has an image. Your job is to give as much high quality feedback as you can to make the other person’s representation of it as high quality as possible. Firstly, the person who has not seen the image must draw the following thing – a beach at sunset Secondly., you should give them as much detailed feedback as possible to make the image look like yours and they need to draw it again. Finally, you must given them feedback again without showing them the image. You will need to encourage a standard practice of mastery In your classroom as part of the learning and assessing process.
Practice Pair up in your groups and choose one person to talk for one minute about a problem they are having in relation to today’s marking and feedback topic. The other person should listen carefully to them. Talk to your partner and give them as much detail as possible.
Coaching Goal What do they want to achieve? Why do they want to achieve it? Reality Where are they now? What have they already tried? Options What are the things that they could try? What have others tried? Will do / Way forward What are they going to do now to move forward? Once they have finished telling you about their problem, take them through the GROW process of coaching to try and see a way forward. Ask them questions to help but do not offer any answers yourself! Once you have finished repeat the whole process in opposite roles.
Practice What was the result of the discussion in your paired coaching activity? Consider how the conversation might help you with your issue as you go forward in your practice.
Reflect and review Aims and outcomes To explore how to best design effective and impactful follow-up tasks once marking has been returned to students. To highlight some key strategies to use. To plan how to apply the ideas to your classroom setting. Individual reflection Take a minute to reflect on how you have found this session and what it has made you think about.
Follow up Commitment to action To review the tasks you set following marking and ensure that they are designed to further embed learning and encourage mastery. Next session Explore the manner in which students approach the marking and feedback they receive in your classrooms.