POINTING TOWARD NGSS SUCCESS A collaborative partnership between Developing interactive experiences with nature, technology and the Next Generation Science.


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Presentation transcript:

POINTING TOWARD NGSS SUCCESS A collaborative partnership between Developing interactive experiences with nature, technology and the Next Generation Science Standards

Next Generation Science Standards The Vision... educate all students in science and engineering and provide the foundational knowledge for those who will become the scientists, engineers, technologists, and technicians of the future. 1.Interconnected and Relevant 2.Focused and Coherent 3.Deeper Understanding 4.Science and Engineering are integrated K-12 5.College, Career, and Citizenship Readiness 6.Aligned to Common Core The Shifts...

Pointing Toward NGSS Success will: ●Get students out of the classroom and into the field ●Inspire real-life applications of STEAM through student projects ●Provide tools to classroom teachers for implementing NGSS lessons Target Populations include: ●6-12 grade students - provide engaging, real-world science ●Students underrepresented in STEM fields ●STEAM Educators - transitioning to CA Standards in Science (aka NGSS) Outcomes include: ●Improved attitudes toward STEAM courses ●Increased knowledge of STEM concepts and skills ●Engaging NGSS lessons and POINT tours

What is the POINT app? ●Your phone becomes your tour guide ●Stories engage users as they experience nature ●Current tours exist for Fernandez Ranch

PHASE 1: Curriculum Development October February 2016 Outcome - to develop NGSS lessons based on existing Fernandez Ranch POINT Tours ●5 teachers from targeted districts ●Lessons to integrate NGSS, CCSS, POINT Tours and Technology ○Focus on Life and Earth Science NGSS standards (Ecosystems, Human Impact) ○5 E lesson plans ○Integrate the 3-dimensions of NGSS (content, practices, cross-cutting concepts)

PHASE 2: POINT Tour Development February- May, 2016 Outcome - to develop POINT Tour and lessons for Mt. Wanda ●With phase 1 educators, Field Experts and App Developers develop POINT Tour ●Use Curriculum Template to integrate tour with NGSS Goal to include classroom teachers throughout Contra Costa County

POINTING TOWARD NGSS SUCCESS Hilary Dito STEAM Coordinator Contra Costa County Office of Education