Albany Medical Center Workforce Overview March 10, 2008
As an employer and business, AMC’s economic impact: is over $760 million annually employees more than 6,600 people produces an additional 15,800 indirect jobs is the second largest non-public employer in the Capital Region Albany Medical Center (AMC) is the only academic medical center in Northeastern New York State. It is the critical trauma and tertiary care center for a region with 2.8 million persons. AMC is not part of a large private or public university – one of only four such academic medical centers nationwide. Because it is not affiliated with a major university system, it has limited access to dollars and financial capital. The Center is critically dependent on patient care revenues to sustain itself. Revenue from patient care services provides over 86% of the Center’s budget. The Hospital alone provides almost 70% of all revenue. Thus, the Hospital and its success are critical to sustaining and growing the Center’s financial resources, and preserving its missions of patient care, research, and education.
Hospital – Largest in region, with 651 beds; offers services not available elsewhere. Faculty Practice – Unlike other hospitals, AMC employs 250 physicians. Many are unique “specialists”. Community Physician Partnerships – Over 500 community physicians can admit patients to the Hospital and our South Clinical Campus. Education and Research – AMC’s physicians (both employed and community partners) are also educators and researchers. 24/7/365 – As the Region’s Trauma Center, critical services and staff are available to provide the highest level of care around the clock, every day.
Albany Medical College was founded in 1839 by Alden March MD. It is one of only 4 medical schools nationwide not affiliated with, or part of, a large university. The College operates educational programs that award the following diplomas/degrees: Medical Degree (4 year program) Graduate Medical Education Program (Residents) Master of Science PhD in Science Certified Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Physician Assistant (Master’s) Master’s in Bioethics In addition, the College offers a variety of educational seminars, classes and conferences through the Office of Continuing Medical Education.
Albany Medical College employs 111 scientists Research grants were at $22.4m in 2006 The College’s research program is organized under four Interdisciplinary Research Centers (IRCs). Each one focuses on a specific type of biomedical research. The Four IRCs are: The Center for Cardiovascular Sciences The Center for Cell Biology and Cancer Research The Center for Immunology and Microbial Disease The Center for Neuropharmacology and Neuroscience
This graphic is a sample of job categories at Albany Medical Center. The Center employs approximately 6,600 people.
Job Category1997 data2007 dataChange Officials and Managers (does not include front line supervisors) 300 5% of workforce 325 5% of workforce +25 / 8% growth Professionals (4 or more years post-high school) 3,000 49% of workforce 3,400 51% of workforce +400 / 13% growth Technicians (1-2 years post-high school) % of workforce 1,100 17% of workforce +130 / 13% growth Administrative Support (1-2 years post-high school) 1,150 19% of workforce 1,050 16% of workforce -100 / 9% decline Craft Workers (1-2 years post-high school) 80 1% of workforce 80 1% of workforce No change Service Workers (HS/GED preferred; 50% require computer usage) % of workforce % of workforce +25 / 4% growth TOTAL6,1006, / 8% growth
Job examples by category Examples Professionals(4 or more years post-high school)Physicians, Physician Assistants Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses Case Managers Pharmacists Physical, Occupational, Speech, and Hearing Therapists Dieticians Lab Technologists Librarians I.T. programmers, analysts Finance staff (accountants, auditors, etc.) HR, Marketing, PR, Legal, Development Technicians(1-2 years post-high school)Medical Record Coders Respiratory Therapy Technicians Imaging, OR, and Pharmacy Technicians Phlebotomists Day Care Teachers Admin. Support (1-2 years post-high school)Reception, Registration Medical Billing Library Assistants Craft Workers(1-2 years post-high school)Plumbers, Electricians, Painters Carpenters, Mechanics Service Workers (HS/GED preferred)Security Officers, Food Service, Transportation Housekeeping, Patient Support Associates