Medical Terminology Different professions have different "languages." To successfully communicate in the health care arena, you must master medical terminology. Most medical terms have either Greek or Latin origins, and the key to mastering these terms is to break them down into components, and to follow certain principles.
Rules The base word is the Root. Example: Cardia = heart Appendic = appendix
The modifying terms are the prefix if before the root, and the suffix if it follows the root. Pericarditis Tracheotomy Hypertension Rhinoplasty Arthritis
Combining vowel usually used even if vowels are present at the junction. is usually not used when combining a root word to a suffix that begins with a vowel. Abdominopelvic Cardiomyopathy
Pronunciation Medical terms are often hard to pronounce, especially if you have never heard or seen the word. Here are some helpful hints: Pronounce "-es" at the end of a word as a separate syllable "-eez." Example: nares Pronounce "-i" at the end of a word to form a plural as "eye." Example: fasciculi Pronounce "pn" as an "n.” Example: pneumothorax Routinely pronounce "ch" as a "k." Example: chronic
Mastery of medical terminology is critical for successful communication with other health care professionals. "Your lumbar range of motion is diminished secondary to a herniated nucleus pulposes." (Translation: "You can't move your back very well because you have a torn or 'slipped' disc.") "You need to perform cryotherapy for the grade II strain of your gastroc-soleus complex.” (Translation: "You need to put an ice pack on the calf muscle that you pulled.")