Data sharing and open SEEK
Objectives More encouragement to make Data* open Allowing using Data in publications. Simple control over ISA Elements. Allowing other projects to join SEEK. Dissemination of SYSMO activities. *All references to Data also includes SOPs and Models
Encouraging open Data We'd like your permission to change the default from: PRIVATE to everybody but yourself To: Viewable to everybody in other projects, content accessible within your project. You can still change this if you wish of course. Doesn't affect JERM defaults. Evidence that people are unintentionally making Data private (including within SYSMO-DB)
Encouraging open Data When adding Data a windows will pop-up warning you that the Data is private, and a summary of who can see or access the data. You can still accept that you wish the data to be kept Private if you wish. New (or return of an old options) to allow you to Share with non registered users of SEEK. Share with registered users that are not a member of a project. Reopening public Registration. Non project members will have limited access Cannot create assets Cannot view personal information.
Don't panic! Data will only be public externally or to non project members if you've chosen to do so. The default would still be to hide Data from public or non project members. A summary would help prevent mistakes. Personal information such as Skype, , would be kept hidden from non project members.
Publishing data We are now being asked for URLs to provide to reviewers of papers. SysMO 1 projects are starting to want to publish their results. Possible future DOI support for persistent URL's (or other PURL mechanism).
Publication wizard When adding a publication you can link to data directly during that step. currently you have to add the publication, and then go to the data and link to the publication – too much effort When adding a publication you will strongly be encouraged to make the Data public, and this will be done automatically for you. Should we prevent linking the data if you refuse to make it public?
ISA Elements ISA Elements have never had authorization applied to them. This is the reason we prevent registered users logging in unless they are in a project. This needs addressing before we open up SEEK
ISA Elements Proposed solution: Investigations and Studies are always fully open. It is our belief this information is generally available anyway through your proposals and websites. Assays inherit the access policy of the most private item attached. i.e. If an Assay has 3 public data files, and 1 private, it will remain private until that file is made public. Avoids another sharing policy form to fill out. Dynamically becomes more open as the data does.
Allowing other projects Allow ErasysBio+ to become a project within SEEK? Avoid the pain of running multiple instances. Could be some shared interests, assets and experiences between both. What about other projects in the future?
Dissemination Dissemination of the work carried out in SYSMO is achieved. Interested people can see what you are up to through the Investigation, Studies and (Public)Assays. Your projects are promoted through the information on your project profile and the items (including publications) linked through to it. Allows information to be fed into other sites through the REST API (Mashups).
Questions and discussion Can we change the default sharing policy? Can we allow ErasysBio+ to become a member of SEEK? Is the proposal for access to ISA elements acceptable?