The Caste System Caste System was established by the Aryan peoples nearly 3000 years ago. Divided people into social classes based on Dasas or skin color…darker.


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Presentation transcript:

The Caste System Caste System was established by the Aryan peoples nearly 3000 years ago. Divided people into social classes based on Dasas or skin color…darker your skin the lower your caste. The higher your caste, the more that was expected from you, and your contribution to society.

Vocab terms: Karma Moksha Reincarnation

Confucianism 5 Relationships Ruler to Subject Husband to Wife Father to Son Older Brother to Younger Brother Friend to Friend

Confucius felt that education was the best method to end crime Filial Piety- respect for your elders

Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) felt that the reasons why we suffer is due to selfish desire. In order to overcome this desire is to follow the Eightfold Path

The Eightfold Path

Code of Justinian -combined 400 years of Roman Laws and legal opinions Justinian’s Code consisted of 4 works: Helped preserve Greek and Roman Culture and Law

Laws were applied differently depending on social status

 Earliest attempt by the Romans to create a CODE OF LAW The most significant Contribution the Romans gave the world!!!

Golden Age of Islam

Islam's Golden Age- Massive translation and copying projects made Greek, Roman, and Sanskrit knowledge available to Arabic- speaking scholars- House of Wisdom Medieval Europe received the Hellenic classics that made the Renaissance possible mostly through Arabic translations. Preserved Greek and Roman culture

Building on Hellenic, Persian, and Hindu sources, physicians within the Islamic Empire advanced medical knowledge enormously. Perhaps their most significant single achievement was the establishment of medicine as a science based on observation and experimentation. Islamic scientists developed the rudiments of what would later be called the scientific method.

Golden Age of Greece

In the Golden Age of Greece the Grecian states in the peninsula achieved a high status in culture and political constancy. This Age is sometimes called the "Periclean Age," after the honorable Pericles who was the leading statesman of the Athens' at that time. During this period Greece achieved tremendous success in the arenas of government, art, philosophy, drama and poetry.

This Era showed the birth of democracy in Athens. The Greek theater had promoted some of its renowned playwrights, and globally famous philosophers such as Socrates and Plato who almost terminated the conventional thought processes of men.

Law Rome's greatest achievement was its system of laws. features of this system include, men being equal under the law, having the right to face their accusers, and being considered innocent until proven guilty. Later, these laws were written down and named the Laws of the Twelve Tables. Many aspects of this system of justice survive today in law codes around the world.

Art & Architecture Roman art and architecture is a blending of Greek and Roman elements. In art, Rome copied many Greek statues, but also produced a more realistic style of portraiture In architecture, Rome used Greek columns, but modified them to be more elaborate, as well as using the arch and dome quite extensively, something the Greeks did not do. An example of Roman use of arches and domes can be seen in the Pantheon

Science and Medicine As with Hellenistic civilization, Alexandria, Egypt remained a center of learning under the Romans. Astronomer - mathematician Ptolemy proposed that the earth was the center of the universe. The geocentric model offered by Ptolemy was the accepted view until Copernicus offered the heliocentric, or sun centered theory of the universe. In medicine, the Greek physician Galen compiled an encyclopedia that became the standard medical text until the Islamic doctor Ibn Sina wrote his Canon on Medicine.

The Silk Road is a historically important international trade route between China and the Mediterranean. Because silk comprised a large proportion of tradesilk