A Writer will add specificity of details. This means that you write deeply with details that show a picture. All readers clearly understand and see the same idea.
When a writer writes a general statement, the writing is not unique. Details are so vague that no picture comes to mind. Questions are still unanswered about the experience. General: Pertaining to all things belong to a group or category. Example: The player scored. Are all questions answered?
Write with specificity of details. Give : Specific nouns Adjectives that tap into the senses causing imagery. Strong Verbs Figurative Language: Similes and Metaphors, Personification, etc. General writing with no imagery is weak writing! This candy is good. What kind of candy?????? What is so good about it????? I have questions that are not answered….. Now, write with SPECIFICITY and GO GREEN!!! Leave no questions unanswered in the reader’s mind…….
In the Georgia Dome occupied with 70,000 screaming fans, Julio Jones sprinted past the approaching Malcom Jenkins, New Orleans Saints defender, like he was standing still; during the fourth quarter, so he could catch a heart wrenching 5 yard wobbly pass from Matt Ryan on the 15 yard line to score the game winning touchdown
Specific nouns (Buford Middle School, 6 th grade hallway) Adjectives that tap into the senses: sight, taste, touch, smell, sound (clinking, white & narrow, beety) Strong verbs that specifically states the action (occupied, peered, bewildered) Similes and metaphors to give great description by using comparisons. (like I was an alien)
General writing with no imagery is weak writing! This candy is good. What kind of candy?????? What is so good about it????? I have questions that are not answered….. Now, write with SPECIFICITY and GO GREEN!!! Leave no questions unanswered in the reader’s mind…….
Think of specific nouns. Think of adjectives that tap into the senses. Think of strong active verbs Use a simile or a metaphor to make a comparison giving more information. Organize your description with an organizational structure: (spatial, descriptive) Spatial, Descriptive, Chronological, Cause/Effect, Compare/Contrast, Problem/Solution, Question/Answer, etc.