Football Terminology
Offense Quarterback Runningback (tailback, half back, full back) Wide Receiver Tight End Offensive Line Center 2 Guards 2 Tackles
Defense Cornerbacks Safeties Linebackers Defensive Line Outside, Middle Defensive Line Tackle, End
The Field G 10 20 30 40 50 40 30 20 10 G Average field is 120 yards including Endzones Separated in 10 Yard intervals.
TERMS: End Zone: The area between the end line and goal line bounded by the sidelines, which a team on offense tries to enter to score a touchdown. Fumble: When a ball carrier loses possession by dropping the ball or having it knocked away before a play ends; the first player to regain possession of the loose ball is said to make the recovery, and his team becomes the offense. Goal Line: a line drawn across the width of the field, 10 yards inside each end line, which a team must cross with the ball to score a touchdown. Interception: A pass caught in the air (picked off) by a defender whose team immediately gains possession of the ball and becomes the offense. Lateral: A pass thrown to a teammate backwards from the team’s line of scrimmage or parallel to it; unlike a forward pass (which can be thrown only once per play), players may lateral the ball as often as they want.
TERMS: Line of scrimmage: Line of scrimmage: an imaginary line which no player may cross before the snap; each team has its own line of scrimmage, separated by the neutral zone. Sack: a tackle of the quarterback behind his line of scrimmage. Spiral: a ball passed or kicked with a spin which propels it further with more accuracy; the ball points the same direction throughout its flight. Stiff arm (or straight arm): a push by a ball carrier to ward off a tackler.
SCORING: Extra Point 1 Point Safety 2 Points Extra Point 1 Point Safety 2 Points Two Point Conversion 2 Points Field Goal 3 Points Touchdown 6 Points
Our Rules 1. You get 5 downs to get to your endzone. OFFENSE 1. You get 5 downs to get to your endzone. 2. The quarterback can’t run!! 3. The quarterback has 5 SLOW seconds to throw the ball 4. Everyone must be behind the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped or it will be off sides and a loss of down. 5. You cannot stiff arm 6. You cannot spin 7. You cannot block 8. If there is defense pass interference, then they move forward ten yards and replay the down.
Our Rules DEFENSE The Quarterback has 5 SLOW seconds to throw the ball. The defense has to count. If they don’t it’s their fault. The defense can’t rush the quarterback. If you intercept the pass you have a chance to run it back for a touchdown. However, If your flag gets pulled then you have to start on your own goal line and you have 5 downs. You cannot strip the ball If offense fumbles, then the ball is dead. There is no change of possession. If there is defense pass interference, then they move forward ten yards and replay the down.