Chapter 22.4
EISENHOWER ELECTED Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower wins 1952 election. West Point graduate, seasoned soldier, and grandfatherly figure. WWII hero stepped into White House at the height of the Cold War. China had fallen. U.S. was bogged down in Korea. Atomic bombs had Americans on edge—seemed like the perfect leader.
Eisenhower and Dulles Hires new Secretary of State-John Foster Dulles. Dulles was an international attorney and had spent 40 years in foreign relations. Deeply religious and fiercely anti- Communist.
A New Strategy Massive Retaliation: If the Soviet Union attacked any nation, the U.S. would launch massive retaliation—an instant nuclear attack “by means and at places of our own choosing” Eisenhower thought such a vague threat would force the Communists to think twice before attacking. BRINKMANSHIP Critics called this BRINKMANSHIP—art of never backing down from a crisis-even if it means pushing country into war.
Taiwan Crisis Shortly after Korean War ends…new crisis in Asia. Although Communists had taken over mainland China, the Nationalists still controlled Taiwan and several small islands. China threatened to seize two of the islands. Eisenhower saw Taiwan as part of the “anti-communist barrier. Eisenhower asked Congress for force to defend Taiwan…and threatened China with nuclear weapons…China backed down.
Suez Crisis Eisenhower’s goal: prevent Arab nations from aligning with Soviet Union. To build support, U.S. offered to help Egypt finance the construction of a dam on the Nile River. Unfortunately, we were forced to withdraw the offer. Egyptian troops seized control of the Suez Canal from the French company that had controlled it… wanted to use the profits to pay for the dam. British and French troops invaded Egypt and this infuriated Eisenhower. Soviet Union threatened rocket attack on Britain and France and offered Egypt support. Eisenhower immediately put US nuclear forces on alert British and French called off the invasion…but Soviets won a diplomatic victory and other Arab nations began accepting their aid
Eisenhower Doctrine Eisenhower was concerned over the growing power of Egyptian president (Nasser) and his links to the Soviet Union. Worried they might take over the Middle East. So he asked Congress to authorize the use of military force whenever President thought it was necessary to assist Middle East nations resisting Communist aggression.
Covert Operations In addition to brinkmanship…Eisenhower used covert operations conducted by the CIA to prevent communist revolutions within developing nations. When providing financial aid was not enough, the CIA would try to overthrow anti-American leaders and replace them wit pro-American leaders. Examples…Iran and Guatemala.
Death of Joseph Stalin On March 5, 1953, Joseph Stalin died. The highest officials in the Communist Party stated that they would jointly rule the Soviet Union, although a power struggle eventually took place. Nikita Khrushchev won the struggle and assumed control of the Soviet Union by Khrushchev condemned Stalin’s actions, stated that communists and capitalists could get along in the world. His statements tempted countries in Eastern Europe to seek their freedom Hungary—announced it would leave the Warsaw Pact and remain neutral. Soviets responded with force and sent troops in to put down an uprising—clearing S.U. was still in control.
Sputnik Sputnik I, which was a satellite launched by the Soviets, was sent into orbit on October 4, The impact of the successful launch of the satellite was felt in the United States. The United States had failed in two launch attempts for Project Vanguard, which had intended to launch the first artificial satellite into the orbit of earth. Not to be outdone, the United States launched many satellites into orbit in rapid-fire succession. America did not want the Soviets to have better technology.. Increased government spending also went toward scientific research.
Gary Powers with his U-2 spy plane