Vocabulary: Week th Grade NMHS
GEN Birth, Origin, Race, Type Vocabulary Words Genetics (“Jen-ET-iks”) Genealogy (“Jeen-ee-OL-uh-jee”) Generate (“JEN-er-ate”) Pathogen (“PATH-uh-jen”) SAT Root Words
MAGN Great, Large Vocabulary Words Magnanimous (“Mag-NAN-ih-mus”) Magnum (“MAG-num”) Magnum Opus (“MAG-num OE-pus”) Magnitude (“MAG-nih-tood”) Magnate (“MAG-nate”) SAT Root Words
OMNI All Vocabulary Words Omnivorous (“Om-NIV-er-us”) Omniscient (“Om-NIH-shint”) Omnipotent (“Om-NIH-puh-tent”) SAT Root Words
Assignment 1. List the vocabulary word and underline the root word. 2. Using a dictionary or app, write the definition for the vocabulary word. 4. Write a sentence with the vocabulary word. 3. How does the definition apply to the root word? 5. Using a dictionary or app, find and write two antonyms and two synonyms for the vocabulary word.