GEO Paleomagnetism Fort Hoofddijk
GEO Paleomagnetism Wout Krijgsman Lennart de Groot
GEO Paleomagnetism Cor Langereis Mark Dekkers
What is Paleomagnetism? (including geomagnetism, rock magnetism) geophysics, (bio)geology, geochemistry Study of system Earth - Deep Earth (geodynamo, field behaviour) - Lithosphere (plate tectonics) - Earth’s surface (e.g. dating, basin evolution) - Earth & Life (e.g. climate, environment)
Paleomagnetism at Fort Hoofddijk Deep Earth (geodynamo, field behaviour) We show that, on average, geomagnetic secular variation (the field variations produced by normal geodynamo action) during the late Archaean and early Proterozoic ( Ga) was different from that of the past 200 million years.
We report new paleomagnetic data from 50 sites (1109 drilled cores) from Marine sediments of the Cretaceous Organyà Basin in the southern Pyrenees, to constrain the timing and magnitude of the rotation of Iberia. Paleomagnetism at Fort Hoofddijk Lithosphere (plate tectonics)
Here we use magnetostratigraphy and cyclostratigraphy to show that aridification, which is indicated by the disappearance of playa lake deposits in the northeastern Tibetan plateau, occurred precisely at the time of the Eocene– Oligocene transition. We show that this global climate transition – from greenhouse to icehouse - is linked to significant aridification and cooling in continental Asia. Paleomagnetism at Fort Hoofddijk Earth surface (e.g. dating, climate change)
Magnetotactic bacteria produce chains of magnetite and/or greigite crystals within their cell bodies called magnetosomes that are permanently magnetized. We find in Pliocene rocks from Romania greigite crystals that are consistent with an intracellular origin.We show that these crystals are magnetosomal in origin, which places them among the oldest greigite magnetofossils identified so far. Paleomagnetism at Fort Hoofddijk Earth & Life (e.g. environment, archeomagnetism)
GEO4-1438: Paleomagnetism Course 2015 new style Part A: knowledge (60%) Part B: application (40%) Course Material Available on Blackboard: under Course Information & Course Content
GEO4-1438: Paleomagnetism Part A: knowledge (60%) 1.Class and practicals (~5 weeks) no grade, so… 2.Literature review study (~2 weeks) presentations, first question of exam 3.Exam Written test (March 23 rd ) (60 % of final grade) >4.00
GEO4-1438: Paleomagnetism Part A: knowledge (60%) 1.Class and practicals
GEO4-1438: Paleomagnetism Class schedule
GEO4-1438: Paleomagnetism Literature review schedule
Literature study: Paleomagnetism 2015 “The grey between black and white”
GEO4-1438: Paleomagnetism Proposal schedule
GEO4-1438: Paleomagnetism Part B: application (40%) Writing of MSc proposal (personal grant style) (~3 weeks) 40 % of final grade (>4.00) - Paleomagnetic topic of you own interest - FortH format (nr words, budget, time table, etc.) - Title and abstract (discussion) - Presentations (graded by a large panel) - Written proposal (graded) - Award ceremony
GEO4-1438: Paleomagnetism Part B: application (40%)
GEO4-1438: Paleomagnetism Proposal schedule
GEO4-1438: Paleomagnetism Proposal Award Ceremony (at Fort Hoofddijk) Final grade (April 17 th ) requires meeting all deadlines
What do you think of Utrecht University? Let us know through the National Student Survey 2015! The survey will be open from Mid-January through to 8 March. More information at