“Taken Captive” (II Timothy 2:24-26) I. “Come to their Senses” (2:26a). A. We can allow ourselves to be controlled by sin to the point that we lose our rational thought. (Luke 22:54-62). B. The only way out of this is to “come to our senses.” (Luke 15:11-24; Hebrews 3:12-13). I. “Come to their Senses” (2:26a). A. We can allow ourselves to be controlled by sin to the point that we lose our rational thought. (Luke 22:54-62). B. The only way out of this is to “come to our senses.” (Luke 15:11-24; Hebrews 3:12-13).
“Taken Captive” (II Timothy 2:24-26) II. “Escape the Snare of the Devil” (2:26b). A. Satan wants to ensnare us with sin and disobedience. He wants to adopt us for himself and make us like him. (John 8:42-44). B. The gospel offers an escape. In baptism we are freed from sin. (Romans 6:1-7). C. This escape does not remove a person from any danger of future entrapment, but offers security through submission to God. (I John 1:5-9). II. “Escape the Snare of the Devil” (2:26b). A. Satan wants to ensnare us with sin and disobedience. He wants to adopt us for himself and make us like him. (John 8:42-44). B. The gospel offers an escape. In baptism we are freed from sin. (Romans 6:1-7). C. This escape does not remove a person from any danger of future entrapment, but offers security through submission to God. (I John 1:5-9).
“Taken Captive” (II Timothy 2:24-26) III. “Taken Captive by Him” (2:26c). A. When we live in sin we are captive to sin and the devil. (John 8:31; I John 3:6-8). B. No one likes to be in bondage - yet sometimes we surrender to it willingly. (Numbers 11:4-6; II Peter 2:18-22). C. Surrendering ourselves to serve to God exchanges a bondage and service which is self- destructive for one which offers peace, joy and happiness in the age to come. (Romans 6:8-22). III. “Taken Captive by Him” (2:26c). A. When we live in sin we are captive to sin and the devil. (John 8:31; I John 3:6-8). B. No one likes to be in bondage - yet sometimes we surrender to it willingly. (Numbers 11:4-6; II Peter 2:18-22). C. Surrendering ourselves to serve to God exchanges a bondage and service which is self- destructive for one which offers peace, joy and happiness in the age to come. (Romans 6:8-22).
“Taken Captive” (II Timothy 2:24-26) IV. “To Do His Will” (2:26d). A. God wants us to do His will. (Luke 12:42-47). B. We cannot serve sin and the devil and please God, because in doing so we are doing Satan’s will. (John 8:44). C. We must choose to do God’s will. (Romans 6:17). IV. “To Do His Will” (2:26d). A. God wants us to do His will. (Luke 12:42-47). B. We cannot serve sin and the devil and please God, because in doing so we are doing Satan’s will. (John 8:44). C. We must choose to do God’s will. (Romans 6:17).