The Babe in Bethlem's Manger Words and Music: Old Kentish carol.
The Babe in Bethlem's manger laid, In humble form so low, By wond'ring angels is surveyed, Thro' all His scenes of woe. Nowell, Nowell- O sing a Savior's birth: All hail His coming down to earth, Who raises us to Heav'n.
A Savior! sinners all around Sing, shout the wondrous word; Let every bosom hail the sound, A Savior! Christ the Lord. Nowell, Nowell- O sing a Savior's birth: All hail His coming down to earth, Who raises us to Heav'n.
For not to sit on David's throne With worldly pomp and joy, He came for sinners to atone, And Satan to destroy. Nowell, Nowell- O sing a Savior's birth: All hail His coming down to earth, Who raises us to Heav'n.
To preach the word of life divine, To give the living bread, To heal the sick with hand benign, And raise to life the dead. Nowell, Nowell- O sing a Savior's birth: All hail His coming down to earth, Who raises us to Heav'n.
He preached, He suffered, bled and died, Uplift 'twixt earth and skies; In sinners' stead was crucified, For sin a sacrifice. Nowell, Nowell- O sing a Savior's birth: All hail His coming down to earth, Who raises us to Heav'n.
Well may we sing the Savior's birth, Who need the grace so giv'n, And hail His coming down to earth, Who raises us to Heav'n. Nowell, Nowell- O sing a Savior's birth: All hail His coming down to earth, Who raises us to Heav'n.