II. Section 2 Properties of Magma
A. Physical and Chemical Properties 1.Element- substance that cannot be broken down into other substances 2.Compound- a substance that is made of two or more elements 3.Physical property- can be observed and measured without changing the composition of the substance
5. Density, hardness, melting point, boiling point, magnetism 6. Chemical Properties-property that produces a change in the composition of matter 7. Burn ablility, reaction with other substances
B. What Is Viscosity? 1.The resistance of a liquid to flow 2.The greater the viscosity, the slower it flows, the lower the faster it flows 3.Greater friction, greater viscosity
C. Viscosity of Magma 1.Silica-oxygen, silicon 2.More silica the more viscosity, light color 3.less silica, less viscosity, dark color
4. Temperature- Viscosity increases as temperature decreases (Honey) 5. Pahoehoe- fast moving, hot lava, low viscosity 6. Aa- higher viscosity, slower, cooler