Layers of the Earth Kim Lachler Updated 2014 NCES 6.E.1.3
Density Before talking about the layers of the earth it is important to understand density. Before talking about the layers of the earth it is important to understand density.
Density Density = Mass/Volume Density = Mass/Volume Coke/diet coke demoCoke/diet coke demo Both cans have the same volume. Both cans have the same volume. Why did the coke sink and the diet float? Why did the coke sink and the diet float? Coke has more sugar, therefore more mass per volume.Coke has more sugar, therefore more mass per volume.
There are 2 different models to show the layers of the Earth. 1) Composition -It is based on the compounds of the Earth. In other words, what they are made of. 2) Physical Structure - It is based on the physical properties. In other - It is based on the physical properties. In other words, what it is like. words, what it is like.
Composition Layers Crust Mantle Core
Composition Layers The crust The crust Outer most layerOuter most layer Thinnest layerThinnest layer km thick ( the ocean or a mountain) km thick ( the ocean or a mountain) Less than 1% of the Earth’s massLess than 1% of the Earth’s mass
Composition Layers Oceanic crust Oceanic crust DenserDenser Consist mainly of the elements iron, calcium, and magnesium.Consist mainly of the elements iron, calcium, and magnesium. Continental crust Continental crust Less denseLess dense Consist mainly of oxygen, silicon, and aluminum.Consist mainly of oxygen, silicon, and aluminum.
Composition Layers The mantle The mantle Denser then the crustDenser then the crust Contains more magnesiumContains more magnesium 2,900 km thick2,900 km thick Makes up 67% of the Earth’s massMakes up 67% of the Earth’s mass
Composition Layers Core Core Center of the EarthCenter of the Earth DenserDenser Containing Iron and NickelContaining Iron and Nickel 3,430 km thick3,430 km thick 33% of the Earth’s mass33% of the Earth’s mass
Most models crust mantle outer core inner core Most models of the layers of the Earth divide the core layer into its physical layers. -Outer core – which is in a liquid state. -Inner core – which is in a solid state.
Bibliography Holt, Rinehart, Winston, North Carolina Holt Science & Technology, Orlando, Fl, 2005 Holt, Rinehart, Winston, North Carolina Holt Science & Technology, Orlando, Fl, 2005 Google Images, Layers of the Earth ages&gbv=2&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai= accessed 9/26/2010 Google Images, Layers of the Earth ages&gbv=2&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai= accessed 9/26/ ages&gbv=2&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai ages&gbv=2&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai