Urine and Body Fluid Analysis: CLS 426 University of Nebraska Medical Center Clinical Laboratory Science Program
2 What is Clinical Microscopy? A study of the theory, practical application and performance of procedures used in the analysis of urine and other body fluids
3 Urinalysis Then...and…Now
4 Year Round Instruction Student Laboratory: learn basic concepts and skills Clinical Rotation(s): further develop knowledge base and technical skills to a higher level for problem solving
5 Varied Instruction Independent reading Small group discussion Case studies Lectures
6 Varied Instruction Videostream Slides Computer-assisted Internet sites Clinical experience
7 Course Goals Theory and techniques of analysis Microscope operation Accurate and efficient work Determine validity of test results Correlate results to physiologic conditions Effectively communicate Utilize clinical information systems
8 Resources Your text is your most ready resource for problem solving!
9 Grading System Theory component60% Technical component40%
10 Theory Component 60% of your grade –Quizzes –Exams –Worksheets –Homework
11 Technical Component 40% of your grade –Laboratory performance Practical exams Identification of sediments using slides Technical evaluation
12 Professional Behaviors Behavioral traits Attitude Responsibility Integrity Team work Professional development Evaluated throughout the year
13 Satisfactory completion of CLS-426 requires 70% minimum
14 Course Description Urinalysis –Student Lab Rotation –Clinical Rotation (I, II) Analysis of Body Fluid –Clinical Rotation (II)
15 Final Course Grade UA student lab 20% UA clinical rotation60% Body fluid clinical rotation20%
17 Goals for Student Lab Properly operate bright field microscope Discuss the purpose of examining urine Describe physiology and function of kidney Explain how urine is formed
18 Goals for Student Lab Identify basic elements found in urine sediment Explain the significance of finding these elements in urine
19 Goals for Student Lab Describe the principle of measurement used for the physical and chemical analysis Perform a complete urinalysis Correlate macroscopic results to microscopic results
20 Theory Component (60%)Technical Component (40%) Possible Points Possible Points Points Earned % Points Earned % Exam 1Colorplate ID Exam 12 Exam 2Practical Exam 70 Total 82 Grade Calculation: Student Lab UA Rotation (% Theory X 0.60) + (% Technical X 0.40)
21 Daily Schedule
22 Let’s Get Started!