Organizing a retreat
Purpose of a retreat: Form bonds Inspect motives Work towards goal
Benefits of a retreat: Eliminate distraction Build enthusiasm in staff Cultivate casual mood Create sense of sharing Problem-solving time Re-examine goals
When NOT to organize a retreat: Need to work on individual's problems Too financially taxing Several big problems exist
4 months ahead of time Set goals Look into facilities Decide who will attend Look for presenters
3 months ahead of time Decide on length Pick date(s) Make a budget Assign planning duties Make rough schedule Reserve site
2 months ahead of time Finalize schedule Establish needs of your presenter Send out invites/notices Deal with access issues Arrange transportation
1- 2 weeks ahead of time Double-check with site Round up equipment Make meal plans Make needed photocopies
The day before Re-check agenda Check with committee heads Relax and get some rest
After the retreat Evaluate the retreat Clean up your site Schedule facility for next year, if applicable
Questions to ask during evaluation: Were objectives met? How were facilities? Which activities worked? Which didn't? What was most useful? What was least useful? Was retreat balanced?