Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy Big Data Radio Astronomy A VRC for SKA and its pathfinders Hanno Holties March 28 th 2012
Which community? The community of scientific users of large scale/big data radio astronomical instruments (This is the focus area; support for radio astronomy community in general?) SKA Pathfinders in Europe: APERture Tile In Focus (APERTIF) electronic European VLBI Network (eEVN) Electronic MultiBeam Radio Astronomy ConcEpt (EMBRACE) e-MERLIN LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) Some thousands of users (astronomers) world wide Multi-petabyte storage capacity & thousands of compute cores
Early 2012: Over a petabyte of unique data in the archive Available capacity more than five petabyte (three sites) + ~1 petabyte of unprocessed data on the Central Processing site LOFAR Long Term Archive
LOFAR Activities in progress Porting of software Calibration & imaging of radio interferometric data Pulsar finding algorithms Transient detection algorithms Archive functionality Data management Data provenance/lineage User Interfaces Querying for stored data Data retrieval Data analysis
Where could the EGI contribute Stable & well supported middleware layer Currently relying on limited number of basic services SRM/dCache, gLite, key infrastructure (incl. robot certificates), VO-boxes, Job submission, ToPoS Must be responsive to (other than LHC) community E.g. improve support for huge files (Terabytes) Standardization (defined & reliable environment) Diversification (broad application range; e.g. large queues, MPI) Mediation & lowering threshold(s) for facility utilization Improve awareness, match requirements & capabilities International (organizational) network Interfaces to European projects (e.g. Prace?)
What could be contributed to the EGI Application porting (stable & reliable environment required) Feedback from integration efforts Archive operations Full chain resource scheduling User interfaces Processing frameworks Findings from R&D and initial operations Petabyte scale data management, data access patterns & data distribution High throughput/streaming processing Matched development, infrastructure & open source software Some challenging cases!
Community organization The radio astronomy community is itself well organized: RadioNet, EVN, SKA… Existing initiatives for ICT R&D projects (e.g. NEXPReS, Target) plus involvement in (inter-) national EGI related projects Good contacts with ICT companies Discussions & awareness building w.r.t. EGI/VRC have started LOFAR has excellent contacts with NGIs via European partners APERTIF decided to build on LOFAR LTA infrastructure Joint community Initial contacts with eEVN, SKA & EGI Challenge: Mostly project based funding; no existing dedicated funding for EGI activities so must match other activities
Conclusion A Radio astronomical community exists that in the near future requires access to large scale computational infrastructure. …it is well organized …it is pro-actively involved in ICT R&D …focus on the EGI DCI has, so far, been limited Several instruments with similar requirements, although on different scales, are in an advanced development/early operational phase (eEVN, eMERLIN, LOFAR, APERTIF, Embrace) This community will be preparing for the biggest challenge in radio astronomy: the SKA
Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy Big Data Radio Astronomy Hanno Holties Questions? holties