Watershed Council for the Moab and Castle Valley Watersheds May 20 th 2010
Topics Water Studies Source Protection
Water Studies United States Geological Survey Utah Geological Survey
US Geological Survey Studies Sumsian (1971) Geology and water resources of the Spanish Valley Area: UT DNR Tech. Pub 32 Eychaner (1977) Numerical groundwater flow model of Spanish Valley: USGS Open-File Report Rush et al. (1982) Regional hydrology of the Green River-Moab area, northwestern Paradox Basin: USGS Open-File Report Weir et al. (1983) Reconnaissance of the geohydrology of the Moab- Monticello area, western Paradox Basin: USGS Water Resources Investigation Report Blanchard (1990) Groundwater conditions in the Grand County Area, UT: UT DNR Tech. Pub 100 Steiger and Susong (1997) Recharge areas and groundwater for the Glen Canyon and valley-fill aquifes, Spanish Valley: USGS WRI Report Previous Studies
Utah Geological Survey Studies Gloyn et al. (1995) Mineral, energy, and groundwater resources of San Juan County: UGS Special Study 86 Eisinger and Lowe (1999) Summary of groundwater resources of Grand County: UGS Circular 99 Doelling (2001, 2004) Geologic maps of the Moab and La Sal quadrangles: UGS Maps 180, 181, 205 Lowe et al. (2007) Hydrogeology of Moab-Spanish Valley, with emphasis on maps for water-resource management and land-use planning: UGS Special Study 120 Previous Studies
Future Study W ater R esources D evelopment A ct
Objective: to provide necessary hydrologic information to effectively plan for future water- resources development Conceptual understanding of aquifer system –Groundwater availability –Groundwater quality and susceptibility to contamination –Recharge sources, flow paths, residence times Optimizing management strategies –Evaluation of additional groundwater resources –Evaluation of potential effects of future development on current resources and water supply
Source Protection HB 40 Need
HB 40 Original Bill required all Counties to adopt an ordinance protecting drinking water sources No later than May 3 rd 2010 Bill was amended 2009 only requiring Counties of the 1 st & 2 nd Class to adopt an ordinance protecting drinking water sources Bill no longer applies to Grand County
Need for Source Protection GWSSA feels there is a need and would like to see a County wide plan implemented Moab City and GWSSA both have a Source protection plan GWSSA also feels that it would be in both the County’s and the City’s best interest to adopt a common plan