Teaching Programming in Middle School TeachScheme! Anniversary Workshop Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island June 11-12, 2005 Pamela Ossorio, The Rice School K-8 Houston ISD, Houston, Texas Technology Middle School Teacher, Future Math Teacher
The Rice School/La Escuela Rice A Magnet School for Technology and Spanish Houston I.S.D. Public School 64%Free/Reduced Lunch 40%At Risk 100%Total Students 6%Asian 6%White 38%African American 50%Hispanic Demographics
My Computer Power Students 8 th grader, 2 nd year technology students 20 students, 16 boys 4 girls 25% also in Algebra class, scheduling rules!
Guided Graphics Lessons with Dr.Scheme Projects by Mrs. Ossorio’s 7 th and 8 th grade Students
First Draw Project 1.Duplicate this image on grid paper 2.Write Dr.Scheme Code 3.Type Code 4.Debug
Design art for name cards using only draw-solid-rect command
Free Choice Assignment Using 4 of the commands from the draw.ss TeachPack Draw-circle Draw-solid-disk Draw-solid-line Draw-solid-rect Student work samples
Programmed flower pot by Angelina Grid design
Programmed flower pot by Angelina Hand written code
Programmed flower pot by Angelina Dr.Scheme program output
(draw-solid-disk(make-posn )20 'blue) (draw-solid-disk(make-posn )20 'blue) (draw-solid-disk(make-posn )20 'blue) (draw-solid-disk(make-posn )20 'blue) (draw-solid-disk(make-posn )20 'blue) (draw-solid-disk(make-posn )20 'blue) (draw-solid-disk(make-posn )20 'blue) (draw-solid-disk(make-posn )20 'blue) (draw-solid-disk(make-posn )20 'red) (draw-solid-disk(make-posn )20 'red) (draw-solid-disk(make-posn )20 'red) (draw-solid-disk(make-posn )20 'red) (draw-solid-disk(make-posn )20 'red) (draw-solid-disk(make-posn )20 'yellow) This is the code that I used to make my picture. (start ) (draw-solid-line(make-posn )(make-posn )'green) (draw-solid-line(make-posn )(make-posn )'blue) (draw-solid-line(make-posn )(make-posn )'blue) (draw-solid-line(make-posn )(make-posn )'blue) (draw-solid-line(make-posn )(make-posn )'blue) (draw-solid-line(make-posn )(make-posn )'blue) (draw-solid-line(make-posn )(make-posn )'blue) (draw-solid-line(make-posn )(make-posn )'blue) (draw-solid-line(make-posn )(make-posn )'blue) (draw-solid-disk(make-posn )40 'yellow) (draw-solid-disk(make-posn )20 'blue) (draw-solid-disk(make-posn )20 'blue) (draw-solid-disk(make-posn )20 'blue) (draw-solid-disk(make-posn )20 'blue) (draw-solid-disk(make-posn )20 'blue) Programmed flower pot by Angelina Code from Dr.Scheme
Student Choice of Subject
Draw Assessment 1 Given verbal/written instructions Write code Execute code Assess graphic results Correct code as needed
Draw Assessment 2 Part I Give image on grid paper, printed in color Write code Part II Type code Debug
Graphing Lines Assignments Use cartesian plane TeachPack Read clues and draw the line
Vertical Teaming Pre-AP CS Curriculum Collaborating with Karen North to create online curriculum for Middle School through 10 th grade Houston A+ Teacher as Research Grant 6-hour teacher professional development workshop for GT credit, approved by Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented
Pamela Ossorio The Rice School Houston I.S.D.