Team Happy Hour
Background Population of million Life expectancy of 81 years Population rapidly aging due to postwar baby boom Population decreasing, estimated by year 2100 down to 64 million. Very low resources due to mountains/volcanos, lots of importing
Education 3 million students enrolled in universities 99% literacy rate 2 nd largest higher education system Students in school 6 weeks longer than American counterparts
“Freeters” Growing segment of NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training). 2 million and rising
Hofestede’s Report DimensionWord Wide Range Japan’s RatingUSA Rating Individualism Power Distance Masculinity Uncertainty Avoidance Long Term Orientation
Hierarchy 上下関係 Complex web of in-group/out-group relations Age, position, gender, education Mizuno Sports, a case study
Women 負け犬 Typical life cycle Graduation -- 18~22 Marriage -- 25~29 Children -- 30~39 Work Care giver
Women & J Business Only account for roughly 9% of managers Foreign firm relations
Racial Issues 以心伝心 Occidental meets Oriental For the good of the individual or company? Lehman Brothers, a case study
Quotable Quotables “[The] VP's boss is white. He told me how he highly disliked the white people in the company for being ‘self-centered and self-promoting.’” -- Ben Sugawara (McCann intern)
Summary Japan excellent economy Educated workforce Collectivism view