Deborah, Barak, & Jael
Judges 4-5 Judges 4 - Historical Account Judges 5 - Poetic Account
Judges The description of the enemy 2 - The description of the judge 3 - The description of the battle 4 - The description of the aftermath
1: The Enemy Judges 4:1-3
1: The Enemy
Judges 5:6-8
An ounce of spiritual prevention is worth a pound of cure.
2: The Judge Judges 4:4-9
2: The Judge
Women are capable of leadership and teaching.
Scripture, while recognizing the capability of women, reserves certain offices for men.
EgalitarianismComplimentarianism Men and women are exactly the same and the only difference is anatomy. Men and women are of equal worth in God’s eyes and are both equally image bearers but are different. They are equal in value, not in role.
We shouldn’t add to the list of what God says women shouldn’t do.
We should recognize and celebrate our differences.