©2009 Rainforest Alliance Session 15: Keeping good community relations Language: English Version: 2011 Corresponding principle: Principle 7. Community relations Corresponding principle: Principle 7. Community relations
Use of the land Corresponding criterion: 7.1,7.6 Corresponding criterion: 7.1,7.6 No conflict with the community about the land use and tenure Consent of the community about the land use Respect for the areas and activities that are important for the community Document about the land tenure
Listening to the community Corresponding criterion: 7.2 (critical) Corresponding criterion: 7.2 (critical) Establish ways to collect their opinions and complaints Consider the improvements to address the opinions received Document the comments and complains received and the replies and improvements made
Contributing to the community Corresponding criterion: 7.3, 7.4, 7.5 Corresponding criterion: 7.3, 7.4, 7.5 Hiring local workers and local service providers Buying local products Contributing the cost of community infrastructure (e.g. roads, school, aqueducts) Providing educational opportunities at the farm Providing information to local research institutions
©2009 Rainforest Alliance Contributing to the community Corresponding criterion: 7.3, 7.4, 7.5 Corresponding criterion: 7.3, 7.4, 7.5 Examples from coffee farms in Brazil and in Peru
Use of land without conflict Use of land without conflict Listening to the community Use of land without conflict Use of land without conflict Contributing to the community 6 Summary
The Rainforest Alliance works to conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods by transforming land-use practices, business practices and consumer behavior.