MEMPHIS BELLE: Characters History Through Film Mr. Clark
Capt. Dennis Dearborn MEMPHIS BELLE Officer- captain of the MEMPHIS BELLE Protective of crew / plane (talks to plane) Does not enjoy / seek fame Worked in furniture pre-WWII Named plane after a girl in Memphis
Sgt. Danny Daly Enlisted man- Radio operator Irish - Takes A LOT of pictures Protective of new guys Sneaking champagne of plane
1 st Lt. Luke sinclair Officer Co-pilot Lifeguard Jealous of Dearborn Wants fame
Lt. Phil lowenthal Officer- Navigator Scared & gets drunk at dance Thinks its his time to die Missing in the morning
Lt. val kozlowski Officer Bombardier Valentine 4 years of medical school Supports Phil
Sgt. Richard Moore Enlisted man Ball turret gunner “Rascal” Ladies man Loud mouth Short Teases Virgil
Sgt. Clay busby Enlisted man Tail gunner Singer (“Danny Boy”) Once sang in New Orleans “cathouse” Odds-maker
Sgt. Virgil hoogesteger Enlisted man – top turret gunner Nicknamed “Virgin” Sneaks into plane with girl Dreams of opening restaurant franchise
Sgt. Eugene mcvey Enlisted man- right waist gunner Religious / superstitious Carries many good luck charms
Sgt. Jack bocci Enlisted man- left waist gunner Tough guy Reform school “grad” Southside Chicago
Col. Craig harriman Base commander Worries about the mission and safety of every plane Has issues with Derringer
Lt. col. Bruce derringer US Army public relations Wants to “market” the Belle and crew for American morale and sell war bonds