Beyond End Note: A comparison of emerging reference managers Benjamin Chong, MS-II Matt Vassar, Ph.D. Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences
Look Familiar? How do you currently organize your research articles?
Do you currently use a reference manager? Which reference manager do you use? Why did you choose it?
1.Discuss criteria for selecting a reference manager 2.Compare and contrast 4 reference managers: citeulike, Qiqqa, Zotero, and Mendeley Objectives for this presentation
1.Free 2.Compatible with Windows and Mac 3.Available Annotation Features 4.Collaborative libraries Our criteria for selection
1.Export and Import file formats 2.Citation styles 3.Word processor integration 4.Database connectivity 5.Mobile applications Other things to consider
1.Windows, Mac, and iPad 2.Cloud storage and library sharing 3.Database searching (6000+) 4.PDF retrieval 5.Annotations 6.Microsoft Word integration 7.PowerPoint integration (Windows) Bibliographic format styles EndNote (X7)
EndNote Features (X7)
1.Web-based 2.Social bookmarking of scholarly papers 3.Unlimited free storage 4.Requires a particular search language 5.No word processor integration Citeulike
1.Web-based (Firefox, Chrome, Safari) with desktop application 2.Word and Open Office integration 3.Simple interface 4.300MB of cloud storage 5.No built in PDF viewer 6.No annotations available Zotero
1.Web browser extension to quickly add articles to library 2.Cloud storage 1.2GB for personal space 2.100MB to share with group of 3 other people 3.iOS and Android mobile applications 4.Import from other reference managers 1.Continuously sync with Zotero 5.Tags and Tabs 6.Can export pdf annotations 7.Requires registration to use Mendeley
1.Simple interface and option for an ‘expert mode’ 2.Import from other reference managers 3.Tabbed management of libraries 4.Cloud storage with access to libraries from web browser or Android application 5.Robust annotations 6.BibTex sniffer 7.Brainstorm 8.No mass pdf retrieval Qiqqa
1.Citeulike Gold ~$46/yr 1.Annotations 2.More citation formats 2.Zotero $20/yr for 2GB 3.Mendeley 1.Team- $49/mo for 5 collaborators, $5 for each additional 2.Individual- $4.99/mo for 5GB 4.Qiqqa Premium $3.33/month 1.10GB of storage Costs
1.Endnote- Thomson Reuters 2.Citeulike- Oversity Limited 3.Zotero- Roy Rosenzqeig Center for History and New Media at GMU 4.Mendeley- Elsevier 5.Qiqqa- Qiqqa Developers
Questions? “Since I started using my new reference manager, my desk is much less cluttered!”