Religious Cults © Ms Keleghan’s Education Blog
Think of a time when you felt lost in life, when you felt alone and not accepted by friends or family. Who or what did you turn to when you wanted to feel better? © Ms Keleghan’s Education Blog
Many young people who don’t feel accepted in their own community search elsewhere to feel loved and accepted. Some people find refuge and acceptance in new Religious movements known as Cults. © Ms Keleghan’s Education Blog
1.Deception - Group identity and/or true motives are not revealed. The group leaders tell members to withhold truth from outsiders. 2. Emotional Leverage/Love Bombing - Instant friendship, extreme helpfulness, generosity and acceptance...Group recruiters "lovingly" will not take "no" for an answer-invitations impossible to refuse without feeling guilty and/or ungrateful. "Love", "generosity", "encouragement" are used to lower defenses and create an ever increasing sense of obligation, debt and guilt. 1.Exploit Personal Crisis - They use an existing crisis as a means of getting you to participate. They exploit vulnerability arising from: Broken relationships Death in the family Loss of job Move to new location Loneliness, depression, guilt, shame, stress and fear © Ms Keleghan’s Education Blog
Cult Introduction: The People's Temple Watch this video and see what you can learn about Jim Jones and the People’s Temple © Ms Keleghan’s Education Blog