Unification of Italy
Existence of multiple Italian states & the presence of Austria hindered Italian unification Sardinia: Largest & most powerful Italian State
Victor Emmanuel IIVictor Emmanuel II Giuseppe MazziniGiuseppe Mazzini Giuseppe GaribaldiGiuseppe Garibaldi Camillo CavourCamillo Cavour Leaders of Unification
RisorgimentoRisorgimento Inspiration for unification; lays the groundworkInspiration for unification; lays the groundwork Mazzini: The Soul
Trained mercenaryTrained mercenary Red Shirts – fought in 2 revolutions (1848 & 1860)Red Shirts – fought in 2 revolutions (1848 & 1860) Garibaldi: The Sword Garibaldi: The Sword
Prime minister of Sardinia under V.E. IIPrime minister of Sardinia under V.E. II Planned to unify ItalyPlanned to unify Italy Cavour: The Brain
Steps in Unification: All Orchestrated by the Brain!!!
STEP 1: Sardinia formed alliance with France to oppose AustriaSTEP 1: Sardinia formed alliance with France to oppose Austria Steps Taken
STEP 2: Gained all of northern Italy; except VenetiaSTEP 2: Gained all of northern Italy; except Venetia STEP 3: Other Italian states rebelled & joined SardiniaSTEP 3: Other Italian states rebelled & joined Sardinia
Steps Taken STEP 4: Garibaldi liberated the Kingdom of the Two SiciliesSTEP 4: Garibaldi liberated the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies STEP 5: Northern & Southern Italy unitedSTEP 5: Northern & Southern Italy united
What’s left?? Venetia & Papal State of Rome
Steps Taken STEP 6: Add VenetiaSTEP 6: Add Venetia STEP 7: Add RomeSTEP 7: Add Rome
Unification of Germany
Prussia Leads Unification SEVERAL ADVANTAGES:SEVERAL ADVANTAGES: A German populationA German population NationalismNationalism POWERFUL armyPOWERFUL army
Leaders of Unification Wilhelm IWilhelm I Otto von BismarckOtto von Bismarck
Prussian Prime Minister under Wilhelm IPrussian Prime Minister under Wilhelm I Conservative, manipulative & confidentConservative, manipulative & confident Master of realpolitikMaster of realpolitik Otto von Bismarck
Steps in Unification: Use German Military Successes!
STEP 1: Danish War (1864)STEP 1: Danish War (1864) Prussia allied with Austria to defeat DenmarkPrussia allied with Austria to defeat Denmark WHY?WHY? Steps Taken
Steps Taken STEP 2: Austro-Prussian War (1866)STEP 2: Austro-Prussian War (1866) Prussia allied with Italy to defeat AustriaPrussia allied with Italy to defeat Austria Takes control of northern GermanyTakes control of northern Germany
Steps Taken STEP 3: Franco-Prussian War (1870)STEP 3: Franco-Prussian War (1870) Bismarck uses religious conflict & trickery to goad France into warBismarck uses religious conflict & trickery to goad France into war Southern Germany joins Northern Germany – UNIFICATION!Southern Germany joins Northern Germany – UNIFICATION!