Rome Famous Fountains
It is the biggest fountain in the centre of Rome It was built in 1735 by Nicola Salvi. It was never restored. The architectonical elements themes of the fountain are the God Neptune, the sea creatures and a big clift in the center Fontana di Trevi
It is one of the biggest fountains in Rome. It was built in 1629 by Pietro and Gian Lorenzo Bernini. It is under the Spanish Steps. It represents a sinking boat. People always drink from it. Fontana della Barcaccia
It is in San Simeone’s square. It was built in 1539 by Giacomo Della Porta. It isn’t a very big fountain. It uses an ancient round basin as structural element with a stone cube in the middle from where water gushes out. Fontana di San Simeone
It is one of the most famous fountains in Rome. It was built in 1648 by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. It is composed by four statues and an obelisk. The rivers represented are : the Nile, the Gange, the Danube and the Rio de la Plata. Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi
It is a fountain near Gianicolo, on the other side of the river Tevere. It was built in 1610 by Giovanni Fontana to celebrate the arrival of the Paola Aqueduct. The fountain is set on the Castellum and it shows and big waterfalls in the centre Fontana dell’Acqua Paola «Er Fontanone»