Law for Business, 15e by Ashcroft Chapter 3: Business Torts and Crimes Law for Business, 15e, by Ashcroft, © 2005 West Legal Studies in Business, a Division of Thomson Learning
3.2 Chapter 3 Objectives Discuss the basis for intentional and negligent tort liability. List and explain the generally recognized business torts. Explain what business crimes are. Describe what computer crimes are and the three types that affect business.
3.3 Torts To recover for a negligence tort, the injured party must show: Duty of tortfeasor and breach of duty; Breach was the cause of injury; Actual damage or injury.
3.4 Torts To prove a breach of contract, the injured party must prove: Defendant knew of contract Intentional interference caused breach Actual breach Contract
3.5 Product Liability Manufacturers are potential liable for injuries caused by the products. A person injured through use or condition of a product could sue on the basis of the manufacturer’s negligence. The plaintiff must prove negligence. Unless plaintiff shows negligence, it is unlikely the plaintiff will be able to prove negligence.
3.6 Business Torts Interference with a contract or economic advantage occurs when a business relationship has been formed, and a third party causes a breach of that business relationship. Confusion about a product looks at: Injurious falsehood Confusion of source
3.7 Trademarks Trademarks: words, symbols, or devices used to distinguish one’s goods from another’s. Includes only those marks used by a business that distinctively differentiates it from others. A secondary trademark has come into use through common practice. Trademarks may be registered or unregistered.
3.8 Determining Confusion of Marks Similarity of the marks Similarity of products Similarity of marketing and customers Similarity and amount of advertising Area of overlapping use Intent of parties in adopting the marks Strength of the marks Actual confusion by the public
3.9 Types of Business Crimes 1. Theft Shoplifting Embezzlement Larceny 2. RICO cases 3. Computer crimes Trespass Fraud Criminal copyright infringement
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