For use with WJEC Performing Arts GCSE Unit 1 and Unit 3 Task 1 Music - Instrumental Accuracy of performance
Task 1 – Listening to others Before or after learning a piece of music, you should always listen to others performing the piece (live or recorded). This could be your peers, teacher or recording on CD, etc. Focus on the use of : Dynamics Tempo Technique Phrasing Pitch and rhythm (correct)
Task 2 – Can I hear myself? Perform a piece of your choice with others (unison or following score). In turn, everyone in the group should be given an opportunity to play loudly while all other members play softly. Following this, everyone should play at the same level; if you can only hear other people and not yourself, you should play more loudly; if you can only hear yourself and not the others, you need to play more softly.
Task 3 - Clapping the rhythm As a class, learn the rhythm of a new piece. Listen to someone else clapping the rhythm. Recall each rhythmic pattern (by clapping) a few times and focus your attention on echoing the rhythm accurately at all times. You may also want to take on the role of introducing the rhythm of another piece to others. Do you find it easier or harder to become familiar with the rhythm?
Task 4 – Echo playing Learn a new piece by listening to each phrase at a time. As a class, learn the melody of a piece. Listen to someone else playing the melody and follow the score. Recall each melodic pattern a few times and focus on your attention to echoing the pitch accurately at all times. You may also want to take on the role of introducing the melody of another piece to others.
Task 5 – Accurate playing Aim to perform your piece as accurately as possible regarding pitch and rhythm. You should always take advice from you instrumental tutor and other peers. Every week set yourself realistic goals and targets when rehearsing, with specific attention to accurate pitch and rhythm. Rehearse specific sections until you improve. Vary your rehearsal techniques.
Task 6 – Study the score If you are playing from a score, it is essential to follow the score and focus on the requirements. Study the score and using a pencil or highlighter, note any changes in: Dynamics Tempo Technique Phrasing Performance style When rehearsing, focus in turn on all of these elements.
Task 7 – Memory game When you are familiar with one of your pieces, try and perform without the copy. Once you struggle and forget, look at the copy for 5 mins without playing and study the score in detail. Return again to see if you remember. If you struggle in the same section again, look at the copy and practise the bar or section for 5 mins, before another attempt at performing without a copy. Gradually, over a period of time, try and memorise the whole piece.