“Images from Space” Examining the Technology That Lets Us Explore the Universe
Standards: SC.8.E.5.10 Assess how technology is essential to science for such purposes as access to outer space and other remote locations, sample collection, measurement, data collection and storage, computation, and communication of information. High (EOC) SC.8.E.5.11 Identify and compare characteristics of the electromagnetic spectrum such as wavelength, frequency, use, and hazards and recognize its application to an understanding of planetary images and satellite photographs. High (EOC)
Discuss: Why do we use telescopes and other technology to explore the universe instead of just going there? – Now, turn and share your answer with your shoulder partner. Whole Group Share-Out (One person speaks at a time)
Not All Wavelengths Reach The Surface…
Radio Telescopes Radio telescopes are able to scan and image galaxies, nebulae, and radio emissions from planets. Allows us to discover new types of objects.
Are We on the Same Wavelength?
Infrared Telescopes Infrared light is of lower energy than visible light, so it is emitted by cooler objects: nebulae, dwarf stars, redshift galaxies.
Andromeda Galaxy in Infrared…
Are We on the Same Wavelength?
Visible Light Telescopes that use mirrors and/or lenses to collect images from space using visible light.
Are We on the Same Wavelength?
Ultraviolet Telescopes Images must be taken from space-the wavelengths don’t reach the Earth’s surface. Tells us: composition, temperature and density of hot, young stars
Are We on the Same Wavelength?
X-Ray Telescopes Images must be taken from space-the wavelengths don’t reach the Earth’s surface. X-Rays are given off by stars, so they help us see the size and expansion of gases in galaxies.
Turn and Talk The first X-ray telescopes discovered that galaxy clusters are intense X-ray emitters. What can they conclude about the composition of the galaxy clusters?
Are We on the Same Wavelength?
Gamma Rays Gamma-rays are created by celestial events such as: – Supernova explosions – Black holes
This artist’s depiction of our galaxy that shows the Gamma Ray emissions coming from the center of our Galaxy. What can we infer is at the center of our galaxy?
Are We on the Same Wavelength?
Hubble Discovers Other Galaxies Hubble uses the Hooker telescope to discover the existence of many other galaxies. Using the EM spectrum, he discovered that galaxies are moving farther apart.
Redshift (In a Nutshell)
Turn and Talk: If most galaxies are seen showing redshift, what can scientists conclude about the past?
“Jewel Box” Sun in all wavelengths of EM Spectrum utube_gdata&safe=active utube_gdata&safe=active