Nomenclature: Type I Binary Ionic-metal and nonmetal type I group 1,2,13 and nonmetal Type II Binary Ionic transition metals and nonmetals Covalent- nonmetal and nonmetal Polyatomic Ion Acid Naming and Formulas
Binary Ionic Naming Type I Characteristics: metal cation (Group 1,2,13, Ag +1 and Zn +2 ) + nonmetal anion Rules: 1. Name the metal first and nonmetal second. 2. Metal takes element name. 3. Nonmetal takes root element name plus suffix – ide. Examples: NaCl Sodium chloride CaF 2 Calcium fluoride AlBr 3 Aluminum bromide
Writing Type I Ionic Formulas RULES –SCSR: Symbols, Charges (group charges), Switch (no +/- signs), Reduce! Examples: Magnesium iodide MgI 2 Aluminum fluoride AlF 3 Calcium sulfide CaS
Binary Ionic Naming Type II Characteristics: metal cation (transition metals, Sn and Pb) + nonmetal anion Rules: Same as Type1 + Roman Numeral for Charge 1.Anion group charge x subscript = total negative charge 2.Total (-) charge = Total (+) charge 3.Total (+) charge/subscript = cation charge Examples: FeCl 3 Iron (III) chloride Fe 2 O 3 Iron (III) oxide CuBr Copper (I) bromide CuBr 2 Copper (II) bromide
Writing Type II Ionic Formulas Rules SCSR Roman Numeral is Metal’s Charge Examples: Copper (I) nitride Titanium (III) chloride
Binary Covalent Naming Type III Characteristics: (only nonmetals) nonmetal + nonmetal Rules: 1. Name first element first and second element second. 2. First element takes element name and second element is named like an anion w/ -ide suffix. 3. Use prefixes to indicate the number of atoms for element. 4. Never use the mono- prefix on the first element. Prefixes: 1 mono-6 hexa- 2 di-7 hepta- 3 tri-8 octa- 4 tetra-9 nona- 5 penta- 10 deca- Examples: CO N 2 O
Writing Covalent Formulas Prefixes in the name are converted to subscripts attached to the same element. Examples: Sulfur hexafluoride Tetraphosphorus decoxide Dihydrogen monoxide
Polyatomic Ion Naming Characteristics: compound contains more than 2 elements Polyatomic Ion (PAI) – 2 or more covalently bonded atoms with an overall charge Types: 1.Type I Metal + PAI 2.Type II Metal + PAI 3.PAI + PAI 4.PAI + Nonmetal
Polyatomic Ion Naming Rules: 1.Identify the PAI 2.If the First Ion is a: *Type I M- element name *Type II M- element name w/ Roman numeral *PAI- polyatomic ion 3.If the Second Ion is a: PAI- polyatomic ion name NM- element root w/ -ide. 4. Do NOT use prefixes. Examples: NaNO 3 FeSO 4 NH 4 Cl NH 4 NO 3
Writing PAI Formulas For the cation (+): 1. Write the symbol. 2. Charges: Type I M – group charge Type II M – roman numeral, then PAI For the anion: 1. Write the symbol. 2. Charges: PAI Nonmetal (single) – group charge Then Switch and Reduce!!! Examples: Sodium hydroxide Copper (II) nitrate Ammonium Hydroxide Ammonium chloride
Acid Naming Characteristics: Hydrogen is the first element Acids with Oxygen (oxyacids) –Based on the PAI with changes to the endings. -ate -ic -ite -ous –Acid is always placed at the end of the name. –Hydrogen is NOT part of the name. Acids without Oxygen –hydro-(anion root)-ic acid –Anion may be a single nonmetal or a PAI that does not contain oxygen. –Examples: HBr H 3 PO 4
Writing Acid Formulas First ion: - ALWAYS hydrogen (H + ) Second ion: - PAI – memorized charge (p.100) - Nonmetal (single) – group charge Then Switch and Reduce! Examples: Hydrochloric acid Sulfuric acid