Report on dummy detector Equipped with Heater & sensors NA62 GigaTracker Working Group Meeting May 24 th 2011
Kapton 50µ 35 x 60mm Kapton 50µ 35 x 60mm Alumina 200µm 27 x 60mm Alumina 100µm 39 x 60mm 15 x PT100 Size pins SAMTEC connector HEATER & SENSOR 24/05/20112NA62 GigaTracker Working Group Meeting M.Morel
1 Watt Dissipated by the screen printed resistor 10 x PT100 read the temperature of the Digital part 5 x PT100 read the temperature of the Sensor part 2 Watt Dissipated by the resistor HEATER & SENSOR 3NA62 GigaTracker Working Group Meeting M.Morel24/05/2011
Alumina heater & sensors reproducing the power dissipated by the GTK chips ~ 10 x 3W Equipped with 10 PT100 size 0603 Dimensions: 60 x 39mm² Thickness: 130µm ± 20µm Sensor: P= 1W R= ± 40Ω I= 158mA U= 6.3V Dig : P= 2W R= ± 100Ω I= 141mA U= 14V One chip 4NA62 GigaTracker Working Group Meeting M.Morel24/05/2011 Power supplies: 6.3V 2A 14V 2A
Alumina sensors reproducing the GTK sensor equipped with 5 PT100 Dimensions: 60 x 27mm² Thickness: 170µm ± 20µm 5NA62 GigaTracker Working Group Meeting M.Morel24/05/2011
Double side kapton flexible printed circuit board Dimension: 76 x 35mm ² Thickness: 50μm 6NA62 GigaTracker Working Group Meeting M.Morel24/05/2011
KAPTON extender ALUMINA (Digital Part) Connection between Alumina and Kapton Bonding wires 7NA62 GigaTracker Working Group Meeting M.Morel24/05/2011
HEATER-SENSORS & NITROGEN VESSEL 8NA62 GigaTracker Working Group Meeting M.Morel24/05/2011
CONNECTOR PT100 OPTION 2 GTK HEATER & SENSORS PT100 Option 1: one Alumina dimensions 60 x 39mm² and 60 x 27 mm² Option 2: one Alumina dimensions 60 x 27mm² and 10 Alumina 12 x 19 mm² OPTION 1 CONNECTOR 9NA62 GigaTracker Working Group Meeting M.Morel24/05/2011