NGA Direct Assessment Projects Debbie DiMeo, Director, Plans and Operations Northeast Gas Association OPS ECDA Public Meeting November 4, 2003
NGA Phase 1 ECDA Validation Complete Began work in 4/02: Prove the ECDA process works and show that it’s a valid integrity assessment technique. 9 NYS LDC companies and NY PSC ~20 miles of pipe 66 excavations 43 indications 23 controls Results reported 4/03
NGA Phase 1 ECDA Statistical Analysis ECDA quantitatively verified to detect coating flaws and corrosion damage Indications and controls differ (95% CI) P(damage) at indication 98% P(damage)/P(control) = 300/1 POD for coating flaws f(bare area) 35% for 6in 2
NGA Phase 2 DA Project Initiated Effort initiated April 2003 Additional ECDA to support validation 60 miles 12 companies participating: 8 NYS; 4 o/s NYS Develop ECDA methods for special areas Cased crossings Uncased crossings Bare pipe Stray current ICDA demonstration
Phase 1 and 2 Participants Nine NYS LDC NGA members participated in Ph 1 DA Validation Project: KeySpanCentral Hudson National FuelSt. Lawrence Gas NYS Electric & GasConsolidated Edison Niagara MohawkOrange & Rockland Rochester Gas & Electric Twelve LDCs participating in Ph 2 DA Project: KeySpanCentral Hudson National FuelEnbridge/St. Lawrence Gas NYS Electric & GasConsolidated Edison Niagara MohawkOrange & Rockland Rochester Gas & ElectricPECO QuestarPublic Service Electric & Gas
NGA DA More info ( Debbie DiMeo Vincent Sottile Oliver Moghissi