Unit 1;Lesson 1 “What is Science?” Investigation – a procedure carried out to carefully observe, study, or test something in order to learn about it The goal of a scientist is to understand the natural world and to do this a scientist plans and conducts an investigation. Scientists use the evidence they gather to draw conclusions
Scientific Method – ways scientists perform investigations Scientists use models when they cannot experiment with the real thing. All conclusions in and experiment must be supported by data and evidence.
Solar System- is made up of a star and the planets and other space objects that revolve around it. The Inner Planets [Mercury, Venus, Earth & Mars] are rocky dense, solid planets with a larger solid core. The Outer Planets [Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, & Neptune] are gaseous, larger planets with a small solid core.
UNIT #__; LESSON #__ “TITLE OF LESSON” -Yellow Vocabulary word + definition -Fact from lesson [25 SLIDES Total with 3 facts on each]
Multiple Choice Test 1. A procedure carried out to carefully observe, study, or test something in order to learn about it is a(n) A. Investigation B. Opinion C. Conclusion D. Evidence 2. The process of changing from a liquid to a gas A. Evaporation B. Precipitation C. Condensation D. Transpiration [25 Questions TOTAL] - *may need 1-12 slides for test
NUMBER MISSED SCORES: 1-2=A 3-5=B 6-7=C 8-10=D 11+F Multiple Choice Answer Key 1. A11. A21. A 2. B12. D22. B 3. C13. C23. D 4. D14. C24. A 5. B15. D25. C 6. C16. A 7. D17. A 8. A18. B 9. A19. B 10. C20. A