Past events (January till June, 2013) Pre-University Works committee organized or supported five TISP training workshops and EPICS-in-IEEE workshops in Greece, Portugal, Poland, Lebanon, Turkey, and Jordan. All of these events were in sub-regional or section wide events. PUW formed an adhoc committee in October last year to establish a strong volunteer base in the region. These volunteers have been instrumental in organizing some of the workshops and events mentioned above and therefore, have reduced our expenses while increasing our outreach. TISP and EPICS-in-IEEE booklets were written and uploaded on our website to help members in the region. These books provide detailed guidance on how to organize these programs. Since January 2012, Pre-University focused events have more than doubled in the region.
Past events (January till June, 2013) News of our TISP workshop in Greece was published in a local magazine
Future events (July to December, 2013) TISP and/or EPICS-in-IEEE workshops are being organized or supported in Cyprus, UAE, Kenya, Uganda, and Egypt. Two webinars are bring organized on WIE STAR and EAB’s education portals. EPICS-in-IEEE applications are being reviewed/supported from Egypt, Ukraine, and Portugal at the moment and will be submitted to the global committee in the future.