Enge skule Etne Kommune (Municipality) : 4050 inhabitants Ca in central Etne Agriculture, trading, ”small” industry, offshore, shipyard, mechanic industries. Increasing tourism Mountains, salmon river, history (vikings) Lots of organizations (spare-time). Children activities : Sports, Culture school 3 schools in the municipality.
Enge skule 385 pupils – 1st to 10 th grade Staff : Ca. 60 persons employed Combined school. Primary school and lower Secondary school. Built in 1964/67. Renewed and extended in 2003 – 04. Development topics : STL+, Class management, assessment.
Enge skule Sjoargruppa : Section for multi – handicapped children. Integrated in school. SFO : Day care facilities for school children. Teaching for non-Norwegian speaking adults. Primary and lower secondary education for adults.
Enge skule Haugalandsløftet - 10 municipalities at Haugalandet are working together in order to let more children and pupils develop their recourses within ordinary education. 14% of the pupils in Etne have special needs. That’ almost twice as much as the average in Norway. In Etne - interdisciplinary collaboration between Schools, kindergarten, PPT, health department and child protection services
Etne Community : Class management based upon relational skills (Enge school ). STL+ (writing to read with digital tools) All schools from 2009 Assessment for Learning (all schools ) Enge skule