Typhoid Fever
TYPHOID pathogen: Salmonella Typhi
Symptoms Sustained fever as high as 103° to 104° F Feel weak Stomach pains Headache Loss of appetite In some cases, patients have a rash of flat, rose-colored spots.
REALLY Knowing The only way to confirm a typhoid fever diagnosis is to have the stool or blood tested for S. typhi.
The Spread Solely a human disease Carrier has S. Typhi in blood & intestinal tract Shed the pathogen in stool Get disease from eating foods handled by someone who is shedding or infected sewage gets in the water used for drinking or washing food.
After Contraction? 2 phases 1st Phase: Gradually rising fever Sweating, no appetite, coughing, headache, constipation Lasts about a week 2nd Phase: Intestinal infection symptoms set in Fever is high, pulse is weak & rapid, diarrhea
Complications Intestinal Perforation Profuse bleeding from the intestinal mucosa
Your Chances Fewer than 1% of patients who receive prompt treatment die The mortality rate is higher among the young and old and people who are suffering from malnutrition
Treatment Antibiotics
RISK AREA Typhoid Fever is still common in the developing world. It affects about 21.5 million people worldwide every year.
Typhoid in the U.S. Around 400 cases a year 75% of cases acquired from international traveling
Prevention If it looks risky don’t eat or drink it! Get vaccinated! The vaccines wear off after a few years so you will probably have to get it multiple times.
Sources http://www.cdc.gov/NCIDOD/DBMD/DISEASEINFO/typhoidfever_g.htm http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001332.htm