Accelerator Activities at Spain Madrid CIEMA T CMAM Valencia IFIC Bilbao ESS Barcelona ALBA UPC Sevilla CNA 1 PAC-ILC May 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

Accelerator Activities at Spain Madrid CIEMA T CMAM Valencia IFIC Bilbao ESS Barcelona ALBA UPC Sevilla CNA 1 PAC-ILC May 2010

2 Accelerator Activities for Future Linear Colliders PAC-ILC May 2010

Accelerator Activities for Future Linear Colliders at Spain Madrid CIEMA T Valencia IFIC Barcelona UPC 3PAC-ILC May 2010

Accelerator R&D for FLC at CIEMAT PAC-ILC May 20104

Capabilities 3-D modelling of the magnet with its cryostat Magnet during fabrication MAGNETS and RF STRUCTURES: - CALCULATION  Electromagnetic analysis Electric circuits & electronics Superconductivity High and low frequency  Mechanical analysis - PROTOTYPING  Design: tooling, drawings  Fabrication follow-up  Assembly  Testing and Calibration RF calculation for PETS PAC-ILC May 20105

Main ongoing projects  ILC and its Accelerator Test Facilities: ILC quadrupole package without BPM (Cos2  and super ferric) (DESY) XFEL intersections: phase shifter (Including magnetic measurements), precision movers for quads, support base for the full intersection (DESY)  CLIC and its Test Facility CTF3: Corrector magnets, septa, kickers for CTF3 (CERN) Micro-movers for TBL quads (CERN) PETS for the TBL in CTF3 and the 1 st module of CLIC (CERN) PAC-ILC May 20106

Fabrication of XFEL superferric quads PAC-ILC May 20107

XFEL Intersections Phase Shifter Prototype Measurement bench 3D Model Quadrupole mover with integrated LVDT’s under tests PAC-ILC May 20108

PETS structure assembly PAC-ILC May 20109

Accelerator R&D for FLC at IFIC PAC-ILC May

11 Capabilities - CALCULATION BEAM DYNAMICS:  Electromagnetic analysis Electric circuits & electronics  Mechanical analysis  Optics design  Non-linear dynamics studies  New instrumentation techniques  Commissioning 3-D modelling of BPM - PROTOTYPING  Design: tooling, drawings  Fabrication follow-up  Assembly  Testing and Calibration BEAM INSTRUMENTATION : Emittance simulations and measuremts in ATF PAC-ILC May 2010

Main ongoing projects  ILC and its Test Facilities: Beam dynamic studies and commissioning of ATF EXT line (LAL, KEK, SLAC) Multi-OTR system for ATF2 (SLAC, KEK) BPM supports with micromovers for FONT4 in (KEK, JAI) BDS instrumentation studies  CLIC and its Test Facility CTF3: BPM’s for the TBL in CTF3 (UPC, CERN, Applied Physics-UV) Drive Beam BPM’s for the 1 st CLIC module (CERN) PAC-ILC May

13 ILC and its Test Facility ATF-ATF2 Beam spot measurement with OTR1X Focus adjuster slide X and Y target position viewing adjusters Mitutoyo 10X lens And 1x tube lens 90d eg mirr or Newport Vertical mover Newport Horizontal mover Target inserter Prosilica camera OTR1X ATF2 EXT line targe t CCD camera bea m New OTR design for muli-OTR system Mover installed at ATF2 FONT4 movers New OTR1 in the ATF2 EXT line PAC-ILC May

The CLIC and its Test Facility CTF3 Low-frequency wire set-up 3D view design Control and DAQ equipment for all the setup signals BPS for TBL at CTF3 Drive beam BPM for CLIC PAC-ILC May

Accelerator R&D for FLC at UPC PAC-ILC May

H V ∆H ∆V ∑ Inductive pick-up AFE: Analog Front-end Electronics DIGITIZER PAC-ILC May Main ongoing projects The BPS amplifiers for TBL of CTF3

Main ongoing projects  The balance for all this collaboration project has been very positive: New capabilities have been created in the Spanish institutes which are being used for other facilities Spanish companies having produced these devices for first time in our country are in position to participate in the industrialisation in a future PAC-ILC May

Future projects  The goal is to consolidate these contributions joining the effort of ILC for the EDR and CLIC for the CDR in a coordinated way: ILC and its test facilities: HTc superconducting quads with indirect cooling for MLI, Dipole mode cavity BPM for ILC cryomodule, multi-OTR in ATF2 EXT line, micromovers for FONT4 in ATF2 CLIC and its test facilitiy CTF3: PETS for 1 st CLIC module, BPMs for drive beam injector and Drive Beam Decelerator for the CLIC modules PAC-ILC May

19 Thanks to Fernando Toral and the Ciemat Accelerator group for helping in the preparation Thanks for your attention PAC-ILC May 2010