Introduction World tallest hotel (1053 ft) Most luxuries hotel (seven stars) 28 double height floor (23 ft height) Built on private island Became a symbol for Dubai
Architect Designed by Tom Wills-Wright Needed unique design (simple) Shaped like a sail (sign of tourism) Rise out of the water
Engineering aspects The Island Foundation Steel Trusses Electric Load
The Island Man Made 280 Meters offshore 7.5 Meters high Shaped like Triangle November 1995
Foundation Not connected to bed rock Sand Skin Friction 250 Foundation piles 40 meters deep
Trusses Protect from wind and earthquake Building and transporting trusses Lifting trusses Steel expand problem Design special fixing Idea of engine camshaft
Electric Load 8 kw for suite (8 times European suite) 52,000 lights, 3,106 miles cables, advance service Huge load cause harmonic distortion Cause melting in cable (burn entire building) Electric engineer design harmonic filter Detect distortion and cancel it
References Burj Al Arab (2006) Wikipedia®. Retrieved from Dubai's dream palace Burj Al Arab Documentary (May 19, 2012). [video file]. Retrieved from Hammond Richard (Feb 10, 2012). Richard Hammond's Engineering Connections - (S03E01)Burj Al Arab [video file]. Retrieved from Pourabedain Ehsan (Feb 23, 2008) Burj Al Arab Construction. SlideShare Inc. Retrieved fro #btnNext Alshakargi Abdulilah, personal communication, Nov 18, 2012
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