TABLE OF CONTENTS Strengths Opening Statement SLIDE # 3 Section 1: Self Leadership SLIDE # 4 Section 2: Leadership Theories SLIDE # 5 Section 3: Inclusive Leadership SLIDE # 6 Section 4: Critical Thinking SLIDE # 7 Section 5: Interpersonal/Organizational Leadership SLIDE # 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS Strengths Opening Statement SLIDE # 3 Section 1: Self Leadership SLIDE # 4 Section 2: Leadership Theories SLIDE # 5 Section 3: Inclusive Leadership SLIDE # 6 Section 4: Critical Thinking SLIDE # 7 Section 5: Interpersonal/Organizational Leadership SLIDE # 8
Signature Strengths Relational Achiever Analytical Strategic Learner Values in Action Strengths Fairness, Equity, and Justice Judgment, Critical Thinking, and Open-Mindedness Bravery and Valor Creativity, Ingenuity, and Originality Industry, Diligence and Perspective
OPENING STATEMENT I learned a great deal about myself in this class. I learned about who I am as an individual, based on my strengths. I learned about the various ways I have applied leadership models and I learned about working with other highly motivated and intelligent people and projects and in group work. All of what I learned has helped my understanding of myself as a leader and my place in this University and the minor.
SECTION 1 SELF LEADERSHIP Student will demonstrate practice of the personal values statement During the class activity that dealt with spirituality and values. We were instructed to write down four things we care about most. I chose Family/Relationships, Ability, Equity and Purpose. Then we were told to tear one off, symbolically getting rid of it. The first thing I tore off was Ability and we will once again told to remove another piece off the grid. The next thing I tore off was Purpose finally one more section was to be torn off. I chose to tear off Equity and save family/relationships. This an example of a personal values statement because I was really determining what I cared about and then really had to think about war Weinreich about this. More than that because it a question and really analyze what I cared about. Then the next question was, how much time do we actually dedicate to that object, I realized I don't dedicate as much time as I should to any of the four but most importantly my family. See evidence Class activity, values Additional Experiences HDF 190 class activity, Interview for Instate Leader, Pies and Ties, The Great Debates HPR 108,
SECTION 2 Leadership Theory and Models Student will describe personal application of the above theory “Servant Leadership” My favorite example of the application of servant leadership was when I was asked to wright a letter of recommendation for the Intuited Peer Mentors. I was paying forward the benefit of the Institute and all that it had done for me to the peer mentors at Institute by supporting their Rainville application; while unfortunately they did not win. I was both honored and happy to help when I was requested to write a recommendation for them thus I tried to pay for some of the benefit that they had given to me by helping them receive the honor that they did deserve. See evidence Institute recommendation letter Additional Experiences Teaching assistive technology, working at DSS, recruiting for ZBT, applying to be a Institute mentor, letter of recommendation for Rainville
SECTION 3 Inclusive Leadership / Diversity and its application to leadership Student will describe personal examples of being a change agent In the area of disability advocacy I've served as a change agent because I have helped to generate an understanding of what a disability and a learning disability are present a positive image of how individuals with learning disabilities can be an integral part of any group, society, committee, or classroom. By contributing positively and by using technologies and other assistive measures to help level the playing field I worked to develop social change. I did this within my school by teaching assistive technology, working with students to develop an understanding of their rights and working with faculty to help them understand what these rights meant to them. I continue to do this work at the University of Rhode Island in a slightly different capacity. I still work with technology and students I also work with securing them the resources they will need so they can be successfully integrated into the University community as a whole. Through these processes. I'm working to change the images of and assumptions about disability in the educational system. Evidence DSS photo Additional Experiences The opportunity to learn document, disability advocacy, assistive technology, students for a more accessible campus
SECTION 4 Critical Thinking Student will demonstrate proficiency of critical thinking I constantly use critical thinking skills in my capacity as student Senator, because I have to quickly analyze bills, proposals, discussions, committee motions and the potential repercussions of my vote. Additionally as I become more involved and these skills become more and more valuable. They have already helped me to become a strong senator because I can use critical thinking skills effectively. See evidence Senate binder Additional Experiences Senate, HPR 310, GCH104H, provost advisory, daily life
SECTION 5 (Interpersonal and Organizational Concepts and Skills ) Student will describe personal examples related to being a peer leader and being led by peers My favorite example of when I was led by peers was at the summer Institute. This was an experience where we were peer lead, and an unknown environment and quickly became very close with our entire group and are peer mentors, my peer mentor, Josh, I'm still very close with. This is an example of us being led by peers where I'll learned a great deal and was given inspiration to pursue something, the leadership minor, that I'd never expected to be pursuing in college. An example of myself as a peer leader was during my grand challenge 104 honors class where I volunteered to be the organizer for our group. I was leading a group of four other freshman and working to complete the various problems, challenges, paper and analysis that we were expected to complete each week and organizing who would do what. See evidence Institute headband, grand challenge 104 final paper Additional Experiences HDF 190 Group Project, Grand Challenge 104, HDF 190, Institute