How Time is Represented
Before Christ Used to date events before the birth of Jesus
Anno Domini Latin for In the Year of our Lord
For many years, the terms B.C. and A.D. were used to date events. Today, however, with a growing understanding that not all people are Christians, new terms are frequently used. B.C.→B.C.E A.D.→C.E. Both references in each case are still acceptable.
Before Common Era
Common Era
recurring; done or performed every year; yearly
taking place twice every year; semiannual
a period of one hundred years
A period of ten years
A time period reckoned from a specific date; a time distinguished by a certain characteristic
A period of one thousand years
a group of twenty
a simple diagram showing how dates and events relate to one another
the time before written record
beginning of written record of events
Which time period were you born? Which date occurred first 4 A.D. or 206 B.C.? Which date is most recent 2011 B.C.E. or 2011 C.E.? How long is “Four score and seven years ago?” What decade were you born in?