1 Revision to DOE proposal Resource Optimization in Hybrid Core Networks with 100G Links Original submission: April 30, 2009 Date: May 4, 2009 PI: Malathi Veeraraghavan University of Virginia
Revisions (serves as Outline) Rev. 1: Generalization from 100G and lambdas Rev. 2: Bidirectional resource optimization Rev. 3: Hybrid node and hybrid network arch. Rev. 4: Creation of bypass circuits Rev. 5: Control-plane interaction with nodes Rev. 6: Triggering of circuit setup and release Rev. 7: Extensions of OSCARS Rev. 8: DOE-provided testbed Rev. 9: Areas of focus Rev. 10: Policy issues Rev. 11: Modified deliverables 2
Rev. 1: Generalization from 100G and lambdas Original proposed work: –100G interfaces and optical WDM –High-capacity switches/routers Modification: –Improve understanding of hybrid network operation at arbitrary rates, e.g., even at 10Gb/s or lower rates –Circuits are generic and not necessarily only wavelengths (lambdas); they can be sub-Gbps SONET circuits, MPLS LSPs or carrier-grade Ethernet virtual circuits 3
Rev. 2: Bidirectional resource optimization Original proposed work: –IP-routed traffic Dynamic circuits –Set up or release dynamic circuits in response to surges or drops in IP-routed traffic Modification: –Add opposite direction: Dynamic circuits IP-routed traffic –If a circuit setup is blocked due to a lack of resources, the flow is sent on the IP-routed path or MPLS LSP if the user request allows this option, i.e., user is willing to accept sub-par performance instead of being blocked 4
Rev. 3: Hybrid node structure Original proposed work: –Fig. 2b shows an IP router and a circuit switch at each PoP with a pooled set of lambdas interconnecting the circuit switches at the PoPs Modification: –A hybrid node could be one entity with support for IP Layer-3 packet forwarding and dynamic circuit switching (layers 2.5/2/1); see the next slide 5
Rev. 3: Hybrid node architecture Unfolded view: switch capabilities Q Input interfaces Q Output interfaces Layer-1 switch D Layer-2/2.5 switch Layer-3 IP router Q-1 D D D D M M M M M Data plane SNMP MIB+agents Routing protocol Signaling (provisioning) protocol Administrative interface (CLI, TL1) Node controller Hybrid node D: Demultiplexer M: Multiplexer Ethernet control-plane port
Rev. 3: Hybrid network architecture (systems in blue to be implemented in this project) (view with animation) 7 Shared single core pool of N fibers K circuits: IP-routed partition N-K: Dynamic-circuit partition Hybrid Node Hybrid Node Hybrid Node Hybrid Node Hybrid Node Hybrid Traffic engineering (TE) systemHybrid Network Engineering (NE) system “put the traffic where the bandwidth is”“put the bandwidth where the traffic is” REF: Report of US/EU Workshop on Key Issues and Grand Challenges in Optical Networking. Available: Modify routing metrics and/or write routing table entries Request dynamic circuit setup/release Traffic monitoring/ characterization system DOE-implemented control-plane software systems Obtain data REF
Rev. 3: Hybrid network architecture (systems in blue to be implemented in this project) 8 Shared single core pool of N fibers K circuits: IP-routed partition N-K: Dynamic-circuit partition Hybrid Node Hybrid Node Hybrid Node Hybrid Node Hybrid Node Hybrid Traffic engineering (TE) systemHybrid Network Engineering (NE) system Report of US/EU Workshop on Key Issues and Grand Challenges in Optical Networking. Available: Traffic monitoring/ characterization system DOE-implemented control-plane software systems Traffic monitoring/characterization system Reads parameters necessary only for TE/NE applications Characterizes traffic matrix Not itself a general-purpose monitoring system such as PerfSONAR but could interface with such systems to obtain data
Rev. 3: Hybrid network architecture (systems in blue to be implemented in this project) 9 Shared single core pool of N fibers K circuits: IP-routed partition N-K: Dynamic-circuit partition Hybrid Node Hybrid Node Hybrid Node Hybrid Node Hybrid Node Hybrid Traffic engineering (TE) systemHybrid Network Engineering (NE) system Report of US/EU Workshop on Key Issues and Grand Challenges in Optical Networking. Available: Traffic monitoring/ characterization system DOE-implemented control-plane software systems Hybrid Traffic Engineering (TE) system Obtains data from Traffic monitoring/characterization system Computes optimal routes for load balancing Issues CLI commands to hybrid nodes to modify routing metrics and/or write routing table entries
Rev. 3: Hybrid network architecture (systems in blue to be implemented in this project) 10 Shared single core pool of N fibers K circuits: IP-routed partition N-K: Dynamic-circuit partition Hybrid Node Hybrid Node Hybrid Node Hybrid Node Hybrid Node Hybrid Traffic engineering (TE) systemHybrid Network Engineering (NE) system Report of US/EU Workshop on Key Issues and Grand Challenges in Optical Networking. Available: Traffic monitoring/ characterization system DOE-implemented control-plane software systems Hybrid Network Engineering (NE) system Obtains data from Traffic monitoring/characterization system and DOE-implemented control-plane software Determines if thresholds are crossed to trigger setup/release of dynamic circuits If triggered, sends request for dynamic circuit setup/release to DOE-implemented control-plane software Commands Hybrid TE system to make routing table updates
Rev. 4: Creation of bypass circuits Traffic-monitoring software monitors IP traffic as well as dynamic circuit traffic –If certain criteria are reached (“thresholds”), then signal network and/or traffic engineering to move IP-routed traffic going to a specific egress node onto newly created circuits avoiding intermediate routers move traffic from existing circuits onto the IP- routed network 11
Rev. 5: Control-plane interactions 12 Hybrid node Traffic monitoring & characterization system Traffic engineering systemNetwork engineering system OSCARS Inter- Domain Controller Domain Controllers DOE-implemented control plane software systems Obtain topology and TE-database/PCE data Collect data from domain controllers on capacity availability on various links to enable path computation for new circuits triggered as a result of traffic monitoring input Hybrid network Request dynamic circuit setup/release
Rev. 5: Control-plane messaging 13 Control-plane messages are carried over the IP- routed network Switch control cards have Ethernet control-plane ports for connection into the IP-routed network For security, ns5 or equivalent IPsec devices should be deployed on these control ports
Rev. 6: Triggering of circuit setup and release Determine the criteria and thresholds for triggering dynamic circuit setup in network- engineering module (using input from traffic monitoring + DOE-implemented control-plane software) Determine the criteria and threshold for triggering circuit release –cannot wait for traffic on a 10Gb/s circuit to fall to 0 before triggering release –what should the threshold be? Determine the policies that govern the implementation of thresholds 14
Rev. 7: Extension of OSCARS to Layer 1-2 networks OSCARS scheduler was developed for advance reservation of dynamic MPLS (layer 2.5) LSPs Extension to Layer 1-2 networks –Layer-2 (Carrier-Ethernet and SONET) and Layer-1 (optical WDM and fiber) –Develop algorithms suitable for reservations and provisioning of nested and concatenated circuits 15
Rev. 8: DOE-provided testbed Demonstrate operation of hybrid networks with resource optimizing hybrid TE and hybrid NE software on DOE-provided testbed with 3 to 4 nodes. –Hybrid nodes (provided to us): IP router (layer 3) + MPLS switch (layer 2.5) Layer 1/layer 2 circuit switch DOE-implemented control-plane software –Implemented by us: Hybrid TE, Hybrid NE and and traffic monitoring/characterization software 16
Rev. 9: Areas of focus Theoretical framework –Use of traffic engineering and network engineering in hybrid networks for resource optimization Prototype demonstrations on DOE- provided testbed 17
Rev. 10: Policy issues Should users be blocked if resources are not available for circuits? Can users indicate option to avoid being blocked but rather to use IP-routed/MPLS LSP path if Layer 1 or Layer 2 circuit network has no resources? Should decision be made at the edge or inside the network? Is the decision driven by TE process or by users or both? 18
Rev. 11: Modified annual deliverables (quarterly on next three slides) Year 1: Architecture and Analysis Year 2: Algorithm design and software implementation Year 3: Prototyping on DOE-provided testbed 19
Year 1 quarterly deliverables Year 1: Architecture and Analysis –Q1: Design architectural framework for hybrid networks with automated traffic and network engineering –Q2: Analyze traffic –Q3: Study the question of thresholds and triggering –Q4: Identify requirements for hybrid network and traffic engineering systems 20
Year 2 quarterly deliverables Year 2: Algorithm design and software implementation –Q1: Define interactions with DOE- implemented control-plane software –Q2: Design and implement traffic monitoring and characterization system –Q3: Design algorithms and implement hybrid traffic engineering system –Q4: Design algorithms and implement hybrid network engineering system 21
Year 3 quarterly deliverables Year 3: Prototyping on DOE-provided testbed –Q1: Test traffic monitoring and characterization system –Q2: Test hybrid traffic engineering system –Q3: Test hybrid network engineering system –Q4: Integration testing - Findings and recommendations 22