Welcome to our presentation
Vorarlberg (Bregenz)
The Tyrol (Innsbruck)
Salzburg (Salzburg)
Upper Austria (Linz)
Lower Austria (St.Pölten)
Burgenland (Eisenstadt)
Styria (Graz)
Carinthia (Klagenfurt)
Vienna (Vienna)
Danube Tower
St. Stephen's Cathedral St. Stephen's Cathedral, Austria's most eminent Gothic
Experience the Prater About 250 attractions entertain you at the Vienna Prater250 attractions
The Green Prater Right next to the amusement park area, one finds the
Vienna City Hall
The Spanish Riding School
Activities We are proud of….....
Topics Introduction/ Brigittenauer High School Memorial Sport Audio/ Music
Our school has been always visited of children of different nationalities and different language. Today, students from 32 countries attend our school. Multiculturalism and integration influence our work. We are experts in intercultural learning. Brigittenauer High School
History of the Memorial On the occasion of the commemorative year 1988, the school organised an exhibition in the cellar of the school building about the causes and consequences of the year History of the Memorial
The school also launched a project to study the résumés of former Jewish students of the school. „When schools became prisons“ The project attracted great interest in the media. This lasting documentation of youth commitment against fascism and racism was reported by media all over the world, from the „BBC“ to the „Japanese television“.
Sport In the two sports branches of the Borg20 young athletes get the opportunity to combine school and high- performance sport Allow longer absences (school offers additional remedial teaching. After 8th grade, athletes who want a high- performance sports career can attend the upper classes for sport ( 5 years). Sport
The lower grade for sport is based on the curriculum of a lower grade of a Realgymnasium. A special model is offered to young athletes (aged years) The school grants exemptions for competitons, tournaments and training camps.
Athletic training In Physical Education the bases of sport, such as coordination, motoric basics….. The upper grade for sport is a 5 year secondary school with in Englisch and French as foreign languages. It is a great opportunity for young athletes to attend a high school parallel to their sports training and competition missions
Mirna Jukic
AUDIO The classes in the Audio upper grade are characterized by a strong project orientation. Networking between individual subjects provide strong synergy effects which lead to a significant increase in the general level. This branch provides many events and target oriented work. Audio
This branch is a new way to enjoy school in a totally creative form. Possible not only to deal with music Learn about the whole environment of the industry Advertising, marketing, self- employed, copyright,….
What should students know: Hard disc recording CD production: planning, recording, mixing, audio mastering; creating advertising jingles, sound collages, interviews, film music; preparing audio material for the web Live technology: planning and performing concerts: soundchecking, mixing,… readings, live recording, leading moderation, discussion: sporting events… Radio: hosting moderation, discussion, radio and internet radio