Forest monitoring & MRV South- South Cooperation Strategy September 2014
Development and implementation of a transparent, complete, comparable, consistent, and accurate and verifiable Measurement, Monitoring and Reporting (MRV) System Strengthening South-South cooperation Characterization of local incentives: research on REDD+ funding through accumulated experiences and case studies in Mexico
Mandate of the second ministers reunion. (May, 2013) Cooperation activities timetable, which includes: Monitoring systems and Climate Change Analysis First Workshop: MRV Cooperation Opportunities (México, DF, July 2013) Follow-up Workshop: MRV Cooperation Opportunities (Varsovia, Nov 2013) Collective Proposal for the 2014 Workplan MRV Cooperation Package Activities Financing Master Plan Cooperation Plan implementation EMSA Plan approved Feedback from focal points of national institutions South-South Cooperation Strategy, Mexico as offerer Contribute to the regional monitoring systems operation enhancement los-Sistemas-de-Monitoreo-Forestal-en-Mesoam%C3%A9rica/
MRV cooperation package 1 st Workshop: Lessons learned from the Emission Factors estimation Place :San Salvador Date: May Initiatives: PMN, PRCC- USAID, REDDREDD/CCD-GIZ Regional Program 2 nd Workshop : GHG Inventories Place: San Jose, Costa Rica Date: July Initiatives: FAO-MAGH, PMN, UN-REDD 3 rd Workshop: Reference Levels Place: Guadalajara, Mexico Date: Aug Initiatives: PMN, FAO 4 th Workshop: Activity Data Place: Panama, Panama Date: Sept 2-4 Initiatives: PMN, UNREDD 5th Workshop: Strengthening of Community Based Monitoring Place: Bacalar, Mexico Date: Nov 6-7 Initiatives: PMN, MREDD, LAIF, USFS 6 th Workshop: Forest Inventories 2015 FAO –UNREDD+