Extended Practice - a commission from the Norfolk & Norwich Hospital
The client
Norfolk and Norwich Hospital
Arts Officer: Emma Jarvis
The brief
Supply photographic images in accordance with specific criteria for display in the Intensive Care Unit
Nature of photographs required
Unacceptable subject matter
Autumnal scenes/colours
Enclosed spaces
Anything morbid
Specific substrates: must be germ- free, easy to clean, not dust-traps
The participants
Members of the Norwich & District Photographic Society, of which I am the Public Relations Officer
The process
Invitiation to submit comes from the N& N Arts Officer
Secretary, Vice-chaorman and PRO meet with Arts Officer to discuss the brief and inspect the venue
Proposal is put to NDPS committee
Invitation to submit photographs for consideration is put to membership
Images collected and initial selection made by PRO and V- Chair
Meeting with Arts Officer at N&N
Selection of long-list
Research into appropriate materials
Images selected and printed
Images installed
Press informed
My role
To represent the Norwich & District Photographic Society as Public Relations Officer
To co-ordinate the collection of photographic submissions
To be part of the selection process
To research appropriate print media and obtain costings
To organise printing of images
To liaise with the Press
To supervise the installation in conjunction with others